Part 23

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'...' Telepathy

'...' Thoughts

"..." Talking


~Ambrosine's POV~

"Is everything alright Daddy? Why do you seem so distressed?" Athy asked, worry etched on her face, and it was true, Dad called us for tea but he just keeps glancing at me and Athy and then looking away with a sad face whenever we make eye contact. And it was honestly creeping me out.

"Ambrosine," Dad spoke up for the first time in ages, "Yes," I replied, "You said you want to be a knight right?" "Mhm," "Well you do know that Felix can't teach you everything that a knight has to know and that you will have to go to the Knight's Academy in the far east and compete against other children your age to see if you can become a knight or not. It is up to the teachers and the nobles to choose people from the academy based on their performance for a test. And if you pass the test only then you can become a knight," Dad explained.

"So do you want to go to the academy?" He finished. "Are you kidding? Of course I do!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air, "It's gonna be so cool, I can meet new people and compete against them and so much more!" I looked at Athy but she looked a bit sad and the same went for Dad and Felix who was surprisingly allowed to stay with us today.

"What's wrong? Why do you guys look so sad?" I said, my excitement turning into curiosity and anxiousness, "Princess, you would have to stay at the Academy for four years and will only be given a month of holiday each year, and even His Majesty can't alter that rule as it was a made by the very first Emperor of Obelia," Felix explained, looking like a kicked puppy and avoiding eye contact.

"And you have to leave right after the debutante as well," Dad added, "And those teachers over there won't treat you like a princess, you will be treated like any other kid," he finished. "Well not being treated like a princess will be great, and if I have to leave right after the debutante which is in two weeks, let's make these our best two weeks together. And I suppose that I can still send letters so I'll send each of you a letter everyday, so now let's all stop being sad okay?" I clasped my hands together while smiling brightly, trying to lighten everyone's mood.

And it worked because all of them nodded and went back to their normal selves, making me sigh in relief. But there was one thing bothering me, 'How will Lily, Hannah and Ces react?,' I tried to think of a way to tell them without causing them too much distress but nothing came to mind.

The tea party ended and it was time for us to go back to the Emerald Palace, and I still hadn't figured out a way to tell them. 'Maybe I should just be straight forward,' I sighed and settled for the only thing that came to mind at the moment.


'I'm never ever gonna try to calm someone down,' I sighed, glancing between the three crying women, I tried to calm them down but only made it worse. Why oh why did God give me such shitty social skills.

I looked at Athy for help, who had an equally hopeless face as me, she sighed and shrugged before looking away. 'What do I do now? They don't seem like they'll be stopping anytime soon,' I looked at them again and they were still bawling their eyes out. I went forward and hugged all of them at once.

Thirty minutes went by, and they had finally stopped crying but they were still hugging the life out of me, "You guys are suffocating me," I managed to gasp out, making all of them hurriedly let go of me. "Sorry, Your Highness but is there a reason why you have to go?," Lily asked me for the umpteenth time in this hour.

"Lily, If I go to the Academy, when I come back, I will be able to protect you all you know, and then maybe Felix will get enough free time to plan his wedding with you," I teased Lily, who went redder than a tomato.

"Princess! Don't joke about such things!" She reprimanded, "Who said I was joking?" I smirked at her, "Princess! Forget it! I've got more work to do!" She huffed before rushing off, taking the others with her.

I sighed, looking down at Athy, who's a few inches shorter than me, and looked away again, noticing her sad face. 'Why is everyone so sad about it? It's not like I'll be leaving forever or something,' I mentally complained.

(WMMAP) Ambrosine de Alger ObeliaWhere stories live. Discover now