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Joanna sets a plate of food in front of me. It's significantly smaller than the rest of the plates. I take a quick look around. Some kids have plates piled high with pancakes and eggs and bacon. I get uncomfortable with my measly portion. I pick up the fork and start eating the food given.

I must have been hungry because I ate everything on the plate. This is the first meal I've actually finished by myself. Granted it was small, but I am still proud. I sip on my glass of orange juice and wait for Joanna to finish eating. She sets her utensils down. Suddenly, a bunch of teenagers around my age stand up and start collecting plates, silverware, cups, and trash. Joanna sets her plate on the top of the stack and clears her throat.

"So. As you know, we have a new member with us today. I would like you all to introduce yourselves to Faith and tell her a little about yourself so she feels more comfortable here." Joanna says

All eyes are on me. I keep my eyes on my napkin which is clenched in my fist.

"Kali. Why don't you start?"

I look up and notice a girl standing up. She has beautiful dark skin and a big bunch of curls at the top of her head.

"Hi, My name is Kali. I'm 16 years old, I'll be 17 in a week. I like to read, do makeup, and decorate houses. Welcome to our foster home. I hope you enjoy yourself." Kali says

The girl across from her stands up. She fixes her shirt before speaking. This girl has tan skin and a headscarf on her head. She's wearing a blue shirt and black pants. She has pretty brown eyes.

"My name is Afsana. I am 15 years old. I like to cook and sew, as a tradition from my culture. Aside from that, I enjoy riding skateboards, singing, and painting. Blessings to you." she says

She puts her hands together and sits down.

"Hi! I'm Melissa! I'm also 15! I love listening to music, watching TV, riding my skateboard, painting, reading, and writing! I hope we become good friends! You are so pretty!" Says a girl with bouncy hair across from me.

She's loud. I like her energy but I literally could never be that loud.

Several other girls, including a set of twins, and all the boys introduce themselves to me. There is only a few that I don't get a good feeling from. It was a nice introduction. They all look at me, waiting to see if I'll say something.

"Thank you all. You all, except for the Twins, Melissa, Afsana, and Kali, can go back to your rooms and get ready for the day. Chop chop!" Joanna says

Every one, including the group of teenagers in the kitchen, leaves the room. Joanna and I are left in the dining room alone with these five strange girls.

"Ladies, I would like you to take Faith around and give her a tour of the home. I can trust you with this, yes?" Joanna asks

"Yes, Jo!" they all say at once.

"Faith, I'm helping set up your room today. Will you be okay with the girls? I can always call Svetlana to follow you around." Joanna says

I open my mouth and wave that suggestion away.

"Okay. You guys bring her back to me in one piece, okay?" Joanna says

"Yes, ma'am!" they say

Melissa grabs my wheelchair and helps me into it.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You are going to love it here. It's so pretty. We're all gonna be best friends!" She squeals

"Melissa. Calm down, please. You don't want to scare the poor girl." Kali says

Just have Faith {EDITED}Where stories live. Discover now