Hotel Horrors part 1

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(previously "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly")


I wake up in a soft bed, with warm sunlight hitting my face. I yawn and stretch out as best as I can. I take a look around, only to find that I'm in a white room, with white sheets on a white bed. I jolt up thinking they've finally thrown me into a loony bin when I spot the side table.

The mahogany wood stands out vividly. There's also colorful art hanging on one of the walls. One thing I know from mental hospitals, they don't allow anything but a bed and a desk bolted to the floor. Everything else is a personal safety hazard.

Just as I start to relax a little bit and lean back, the door to the room opens and Zak walks in. I look at him and he looks at me.

"Good morning." He says softly

I give him a little wave.

"How did you sleep? I was just coming in to wake you up." he says walking over to me.

He sits on the edge of the bed, his black outfit standing out against the white everything in the room. I give him a thumbs up, signaling that I slept well.

"That's good. You fell asleep on the way to California. We're staying one more night here before getting ready to head to the airport while Bacon takes the RV back across state lines." Zak says fiddling with the fabric of his pants

"Where?" I ask softly, testing my vocal cords.

"That's a surprise for you. I promise you'll love it. For now, lets get you out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen up. Does that sound good?" He asks

I nod my head and wait for him to help me out of the bed. He then helps me pick out an outfit that will fit over the cast on my leg, I chose an old pair of sweatpants I got in the foster home, a new faded black shirt that Zak bought me at the mall, and a fun pair of socks, also from the mall. Then he carries me to the bathroom and hands me a towel.

"So this is how you turn the shower on, you just twist and pull up on this little knob here. The water temperature is labeled, adjust how you like. I put your back pack on the counter before I came to wake you up and a plastic bag for your cast. Ummm.... If you need anything, text me and I'll send in Ashley. I'm sure she wouldn't have a problem helping you out." Zak says

I nod at him and he nods back before leaving me alone in the bathroom. I pee before taking a shower, then tie the large plastic bag around my leg. I turn on the water, just like Zak showed me, take off my dirty clothes off, and get in. Ten minutes later, I'm turning the water off and wrapping myself up in a towel. It's fluffy and large. I'm comforted by the feeling on my skin. As I take the plastic bag off my leg, I think about how I ended up in the hotel, let alone in the bed. I suspect that Zak must have carried me in. That must have been tough for him, I'm not sure how heavy I am to him. I pull the socks over my foot, while one is simply folded over the toes peeking through my cast.

The socks help give me some more grip on the tile floor, even though there is a towel on the ground for me to stand on. I'd hate to slip. I pull on a loose bra that I bought in the foster home. I spot a big fluffy robe on the counter. I pull myself up and let the towel drop to the floor so I can put the robe on. When I look up at the mirror, I'm startled to see the mangled skin that I've seen so many times.

The claw marks from the wolf dragging down my shoulder, the thick raised knife wounds, some of which still have stitches holding them together, the scrapes and bruises just now turning yellow. I turn my body around to look at the nastiest one of all. The thick, swollen, red wound being held together by staples, dried blood falling off of it, moves with my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut and fumble around for the robe. I slip it on over my shoulders, careful not to look at myself in the mirror.

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