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I was running at full speed and almost fell twice. I was still trying to call him but the operator said that the number didn't exist.

My hair was getting stuck to my fore head due to sweat. But i didn't care. The only thing on my mind was him, my soulmate, Kim Seokjin.

Please be safe.
Please don't die.
Please God save him.
Please God, I hope I am not late.

I was getting nervous and scared each second. I was feeling multiple knots in my stomach but my main priority was to reach my house.

When i was in 30 meter radius of my house, my call finally connected.

" Hello. "

" Don't eat the food. She put rat poison in it. "

Jin who had gotten to his room to hear the call turned back around and went to the dining room. He glared at his mother, grabbed the table cloth and pulled it down.
Everything came crashing down.

I heard crashing sounds from the other side. I ran and climbed the stairs two at a time.

Jin could feel the effects of poison as his vision started to get blurry, he hadn't eaten much but it was obvious that she had put a great amount. He went inside his room and locked the door. He stumbled inside and fell to the floor after bumping with the nightstand. Everything fell down from it. His eyes fell upon the red permanent marker. He grabbed it and wrote his number write where Miyoung had told him she found it.
His mother pulled out the key from the drawer and opened his room.

I reached the door and tried to insert the key in the hole but my hands were trembling. It fell down from my hands and i cussed myself. The door finally opened and I entered the house.

I could see the faint images of plates and glasses smashed on the floor. I also saw a middle-aged man passed out on the floor.

His father? Maybe

I heard loud sounds coming from my room and i opened the door to find his mother hovering over him.

She had a long knife in her hand and was trying to stab him. I couldn't do anything. I tried to push her away from him but of no use.

Please God. Give me the strength to save him.

I knew it was impossible for me to touch her. We had already seen it but I still tried.

I don't know what got into me but i threw the phone in my hand straight at her hoping that it might do something.

Maybe God listened to me once as it hit her straight on the head. She lost her focus to look around and it gave him enough time to push and shove her out the room and locking it.

I became relieved but the next sight sent shivers down my spine.

He was bleeding. She had stabbed him near the stomach.

He fell down his back against the door. He was breathing heavily.

" Jin. " I called him.

He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile

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He lifted his hand towards me. As i tried to reach his hand, the clock struck twelve and he vanished right in front of me.

I stood there frozen. Nothing made sense to me anymore. Tears were flowing down my cheeks, my breath was hitched.

My legs felt weak. I felt pain in my head and i clutched my head in my hands trying to stop the pain.

My vision became blurred and i saw his blood vanish into thin air.

I tried hard to stand but all in vain. I fell down and my vision turned black. His name was the only thing that escaped my mouth before i fainted.

" Jin. "

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