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I woke up next morning in a really good mood. I didn't get that nightmare and i also got to talk with my soulmate.

I was having a giddy feeling in my stomach. I got up from the bed and did my morning routine. After finishing, i checked my phone for new messages. I giggled seeing his message.

I made breakfast for both of us

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I made breakfast for both of us. Mom was quite surprised seeing me in the early morning but i guess she was happy i was finally returning to my old life.

I waited for Yeonhee and we walked together to college. I didn't tell her about my soulmate because i had stopped telling people as i feared them using this information against me. It had happened before.

My crush on the school's popular boy got revealed and well he turned out to be a douchebag. He insulted me in front of the whole school after which the bullying increased causing me to attempt suicide. That was a wrong move. Why should i take my life over those fu*kers?

We reached college and i saw the other Miyoung there. Yeonhee went to her class while i walked with Miyoung to our class.

After college we decided to visit a salon. It had been sometime since i last went to a salon. A little wouldn't hurt.

We entered the salon and got a ne hairstyle and other things. It felt really nice to do normal things with them.

After that we decided to go to a cafe. I was about to enter it when i bumped into someone. I looked up and saw the guy i never wanted to see, my highschool crush.

" Sorry. " I said and moved forward ignoring him.
" Miyoung? " He said to gain my attention.

Both of us Miyoung looked at him. I didn't wanted it to get out of hand.

" Yes. " I said. " You don't remember me? "
I tilted my head trying to show that I didn't recognize him.

" No. " I raised my eyebrow. I gestured my friends to come and left him there confused.

" Do you know him? " Yeonhee asked.
" No, I don't. "
" He is a popular boy in our college. " She replied and my eyes widened.

No. Absolutely not. That means there are chances of bumping into him. F*ck my life.

" I didn't knew. " Miyoung replied.

" Me too. " I said.

We talked about lots of things and didn't realize how much time passed. I walked back with Yeonhee.

As soon as i got home, i made dinner and quickly ate it before going into my room and settling in my bed with phone in my hand.

I immediately called Seokjin.

After a few rings he picked it up.

     Hi. Miyoung.

Hi. Seokjin.

    Please call me Jin.

Okay. Jin. So how was your day?

    It was great. We practiced our dance and singing. We also decided on the date we are making our debut.

Really. I am so excited.

    Me too. How was your day? It must have been great because i wished you luck this morning.


    *Giggling* I guessed it from your voice. You sound happy.

Yeah. It was great. I went to a salon with my friends. Then we went for coffee. Except meeting a person i didn't wanted to meet, everything was great.

   That's great but may i ask who was the person you didn't want to meet.

It was my highschool crush. I absolutely hate him. He was the reason i got bullied in school.

   Wait. You were bullied. Are you alright? I hope you are fine.

Yes, i am fine. It was two years ago. I have gotten over it.

   Great. But if you ever want to talk about it, i am all ears.

   Thank you. I appreciate it.

    So what did you do with him?

I acted as if i didn't knew him. Poor him. He was so confused.

    *Chuckling* Serves him right.... Oh my practice is starting. I will be going. Talk to you tomorrow.

Okay. Good luck for your practice. Bye.

I hanged up the phone and looked at the time. It was twelve in the night. That means Mom was going to be late. So i decided to sleep.

Shutting my eyes close, i immediately drifted off to dreamland.

I was running at full speed through the streets of our neighborhood. I felt anxious like something bad was about to happen.

It felt like i was trying to find something or someone but i didn't knew where to go. I heard the familiar voice again.

Help Me. Save Me.

Following the voice, i moved towards the direction of my house. I could see it in the distance. As i entered my street, i saw a figure climbing the stairs of our house. From the looks of it, it was a guy. I ran after him and i heard him mumble the same words.

I ran up the stairs and grabbed his wrist. I turned him around and was about to see his face when my alarm woke me up.

I gasped and sat up straight. My heart was beating at a really fast pace. I drank the water from my nightstand. That strange dream caused goosebumps all over my body.

It was already morning. I got up from my bed to get ready for the day. I had a class in the late morning and after it i was going to the amusement park with my friends.

I fill the glass again and started checking my messages. What i saw next made me choke on my water.

 What i saw next made me choke on my water

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