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Tingling sensations, electric waves passing through the air, my heart started beating faster just by a single glance at him

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Tingling sensations, electric waves passing through the air, my heart started beating faster just by a single glance at him.

He stopped to look at me as well. He had the same confusion on his face. He was wearing a cap so I couldn't see his eyes properly.

We stood there looking at each other in a trance.

Before we could say anything, I heard Yeonhee's voice which broke my trance and I abruptly turned around.

" Miyoung! Come, we are leaving. " She spoke.

I turned back but there was no kne there. My eyes scanned the whole place but no luck. It was like he vanished into thin air.

" What happened? " Mimi spoke as she stared at me.

I shook my head, " Nothing. "

They were suspicious but didn't say anything.

" Oh right, Taehyung offered to bring us home. " Mimi said.

" What? " I looked at her dumbfounded.

" Yeah, we have a car and all of you want a ride. " Jimin piped in.

" Huh. " I looked at Yeonhee who quickly nodded.

" I am bringing the car to the front, come quickly. " Taehyung said while moving towards the exit.

Yeonhee and Mimi grabbed me from both sides and practically dragged me to the exit while just smiled at us.

The whole ride I was thinking of only one thing :
           Why we here?
           Just to suffer.

Taehyung and Mimi were taking secret glances at each in the front while Jimin was flirting with Yeonhee in the back and I was sitting by the window trying to ignore both couples.

My mind wandered off to the boy I saw at the park. Why did I feel those things. Who was he. Why did my heart beat like that.

My thoughts were cut off when the car stopped in front of the stairs to our house. They had already dropped Mimi at her house.

Both of us got out of the house, when I was climbing the stairs I saw Jimin wink at Yeonhee.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and I chuckled. I was climbing the stairs when my phone started ringing.

Seokjin Calling..
Accept| Decline

Hello Miyoung.

Hi Jin. How are you?
How was your practice?

I am fine. It went great. Only a few days are left in our debut, so we are quite busy. What are you doing?

I just returned from the amusement park. I had so much fun.

Really, you went to the amusement park? I also went there today.

Really. We could have met.
Oh I remembered, what did you mean that we are meeting soon?

About that, i am going to meet my father at his house. In other words the house you are currently living in.

There was silence for some time. I was processing his words.Just a week ago, even going to college was an imagination, but now not only was I going to college, I also found my soul mate and there was a chance I was going to meet him. This soon. I settled on my bed before speaking.


*Chuckling* Yes Really. My mother called to tell me that he wants to meet me. Not that I want to but I can meet you so I agreed.

What do you mean you don't want to?

I don't have a great relationship with my father and I don't want to meet my step mother. She is the reason of my parents divorce. Its a long story. But he wanted to talk to me so I decided to meet him.

Oh, I didn't know.
I hope everything goes well.

Me too.

Anyways, I can't believe this is happening.
I am so happy.
So when are you coming?

Probably this weekend. I have to talk to my father first. Whenever he says, I will come.

I am really excited. I can't wait.

Likewise,  I can't wait to meet you.
  ( Someone with a deep voice called him from behind, " Jin hyung " )
My roommates are calling me. You should rest as well.

Ok. You should rest too. Bye.


I got up from my bed to make dinner. Mom hadn't come home and I was hungry. I remembered how I had just seen two couples and thought about if I could be like that with my soulmate.

I laid down on my bed after thinking about tomorrow. I had found out that I had a class together with the popular guy from my high-school. The reason I got bullied. I shifted in my bed.

I was thinking of various scenarios of how I could meet Jin. I didn't realise when I was in deep slumber.


I saw myself running behind a guy. The same guy I saw last dream. Climbing the stairs, I caught his arm and turned him around.

Help Me, Save Me.


I jolted up in my bed. Last time I wasn't able to see his face but this time I saw half of his face. It was the same guy I saw at the amusement park. The one in the hat.

I gulped down the glass of water that was placed on my table. Sleep was long gone. I wore my slippers and walked outside. The door to Mom's room was open so I went to check on her.

She was sleeping soundly. She looked really tired. It broke my heart to see her like this. Everything was so normal when dad was alive. I just wanted to help my mom in some way.

I adjusted her blanket and closed her door. I decided to sleep again since I had class in the morning. But the weird feeling still stayed within me.

If only I had known what it was.

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