The beginning

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I walked quickly through the hallways and went straight to the girls restroom.

Bitch didn't even leave me on graduation day.

I turned on the tap and tried to stop the bleeding from my nose. That bitch, Sunyeong had punched me hard just because i was pushed into her by a swarm of people.

Today was my highschool graduation. I was excited to finally leave this hellhole and go to a nice college in Seoul. But she ruined it the moment i entered in school.

What does she think she is? Thinks she is beautiful with that plastic face. Ugh i hate her. If only she wasn't rich.

I jumped when i heard giggling sounds from the last stall. I walked there to see some girls writing something on paper and hiding it behind tiles.

" What are you doing? " I asked.

They were startled and sighed when they saw that I wasn't a teacher. But they looked at me suspiciously. They were not from my class.

" I won't report to the teachers. I don't even know you. Just tell me what are you doing? "

One girl came closer and said in a hushed voice, " We are writing our numbers and hiding them here. "

I was confused but i soon realized what they meant, " You believe in that superstition? "

" Its not a superstition. Many people found their soulmates through this way. " One girl said.

" Many people write their numbers in bathroom walls and library tables, they must get a lot of calls. How the heck would you know its your soulmate? " I tilted my head.

The girl beside me shook her head in disappointment. Bitch who the heck are you to be disappointed in me.

Their leader, probably, put a hand on my shoulder, " That's why you write them in places that are difficult to find. That way only someone brought by fate will find it. Also remember the place where you hide it to confirm if the person is your soulmate. "

" Then why hide them in this school? " I asked.

" Because there are a lot of hot juniors here. Who knows one of them might be my soulmate. "

They started giggling and all i could think of was How to be unborn. The earth is no longer a place for humans.

I reached the auditorium and looked around for a seat. I finally found one and...crap.

The only empty seat was close to teachers and behind Sunyeong. What an extremely unlucky day.

The speech was about to start and i dragged myself to that seat, plopping down and praying that plastic queen doesn't notice me.

Thankfully she didn't notice me and before she could the speech started and she looked ahead.

" The class of year... " I didn't knew what the principal was saying. All i could think of was my life in Seoul.

This place didn't hold any good memories for me. I was bullied to the point of attempting suicide, all my friends left me because they didn't want to get bullied too, i had to take a year off to get psychiatric help. Now it was finally time to leave.

I jumped up when people started to go out. I wanted to avoid Sunyeong. The school had prepared a buffet for us.

After eating, i left early because i had some stuff to pack.

I was about to exit when i heard a very familiar annoying sound.

" Miyoung, you are leaving early. Don't you want to take pictures with your friends. Oops. I forgot you didn't have any friends. " She laughed like a hyena. Her side chicks were also hyping her.

" That's the lamest insult i have ever heard. Oops i forgot, its to be expected from the most useless person on earth. " I mimicked her laugh.

She became red with anger. She was about to lash out but before she could, i gave her the middle finger and ran like i was in a marathon.

When i reached home, Mom was packing up stuff and after kissing her on the cheek, i went to my bedroom and changed clothes.

When i reached home, Mom was packing up stuff and after kissing her on the cheek, i went to my bedroom and changed clothes

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Then i started packing my most prized possession.
My life, my kpop posters.

I was about to kiss a poster of G-Dragon, when Mom entered my room. She gave me a wtf look and i gave a nervous laughter.

" Come down if you are ready. " She left.

I collected my stuff and walked down the stairs. All the stuff was loaded in trucks and we got in the car.

I looked out the window. The memories of Dad flowed inside my mind. He died in a car accident 5 years ago. After that everything went downhill.

I became drowsy. I laid back in the seat and went to dreamland.

" Help Me, Save Me. "

I jolted awake when Mom pulled my arm.

" Are you alright? " Mom asked with worry on her face. I nodded. She gave me water.

I was sweating and I didn't knew what kind of dream i saw. Someone was asking for help. Who was it?

" We are here. " Mom said and i realized we had arrived at our new home.

I got out of the car and took a deep breath. My heart was still beating loudly and i stood there trying to calm it.

" Come on. We have to walk from here. " Mom said and started walking. I also took a few boxes and followed her. And then i saw my worst enemy, STAIRS.

 And then i saw my worst enemy, STAIRS

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Why do we have so many stairs?

I shook my head and started climbing the stairs thinking about this new beginning.

What i didn't knew was this wasn't just the beginning of a new chapter, it was much more than that.

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