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11 June, 2019.

Seokjin anxiously tapped his foot on the ground. His makeup artist continuously asked him to stop moving so she could do her work peacefully but he couldn't help but fidget.

His eyes landed on the phone placed in front of him. As soon as it rang, he practically jumped from his seat to grab it.

" Hello. "

" Sir, I checked with university as you requested, there is one girl named Miyoung who enrolled this year. I sent you her information. Please check it. "

He quickly hanged up the call and check the document sent to him.

It wasn't her but someone else. He had been trying to find her for many years but considering he didn't even knew her surname. He couldn't find her.

He sighed and slumped in his chair. Rubbing his face, he kicked his legs.

A staff member came inside, " Get ready, the fan meeting is starting soon. "

All his band members gathered to do a final talk.

Despite looking like he was listening, his mind was somewhere else. The future that Miyoung had told him had changed completely. The accident that caused Yoongi's injury had been stopped by him. That was the only thing that confirmed that Miyoung was real and she wasn't a figment of his imagination.

Six years ago, when his step mother attacked him. He didn't eat much and wasn't poisoned. He only passed out. Hearing the noises of the plates breaking, the neighbours gathered around the house and called police. That woman was arrested and he was taken to the hospital. His injury wasn't severe. And he got out of the hospital soon. But Miyoung was gone. He tried contacting her but her number didn't exist. He didn't knew her surname or her hometown so it was impossible to find her.

But he didn't give up. The only lead he had was that she enrolled in the Seoul University in 2019. But it was lost too as she didn't enroll. Had her future changed too?

He couldn't know. But right now he had to go out and greet the fans. After giving a pep talk to himself in his brain. He stepped out into the room with his members.

The fans cheered loudly and he couldn't help but smile.

He was thankful to her for giving him this future. Where his members were together as a family.

Sitting on their designated seats, he twirled the pen in his hand. He was seated at the end so the fans had to pass through other members before reaching him.

Time passed and a few fans were left. Suddenly a weird feeling started bubbling up in his heart.

The same feeling he felt all those years back.

He looked around all the hall and there he saw her sitting in front of Taehyung.

The same hair, same face. Everything was same.

He grew impatient and time that was ticking very fast suddenly slowed down. He waited her to be in front of him soon.

Jis wish finally came true when she stood right in front of him. He kept staring at her even when she sat down and she had to wave her hand in front of him to bring him back to reality.

" Hi. " She squeaked.

" Hello. " He couldn't say anything more. It was obvious from her yes that she didn't remember him.

He looked down and saw the album and another diary.

He opened the page of the album assigned for him and wrote down as many encouraging words as he could.

" What's that diary? " He asked.

" Oh, my mom likes your music so I wanted you to write a message for her. " She moved the diary in front of him.

He flipped through the pages but something caught his eyes.

That number.

The number was written at the back of he diary.

" Where did you get this number? " He asked, his voice almost a whisper.

" That. I don't know. It has always been there. " She said tilting her head.

" Can I ask you favour? "

" Yes. "

" Can you call this number for me? "

She looked at him confused but still proceeded to call the number.

As soon as she did, gis phone started vibrating. He picked it up and showed her number on his screen.

Her eyes widened. For a moment, everything stopped for her. She kept staring at him.

Suddenly she grabbed her head as a sharp pain coarse through it.

Memory after memory flushed in her head. A tear fell down her eye as she looked at him.

He smiled. Those were the eyes of his Miyoung.

" Jin. "

He smiled brightly, " But you should call me oppa since I am older than you now. "

She chuckled. She was born in 1998 so she was 21. While he was 27.

" I tried to find you everywhere but couldn't. I searched for all the students that enrolled this year in your university but you weren't among them. " He said.

" Because I enrolled last year. "

" What? "

" Do you remember I said I was a year late in my studies because I tried to commit suicide and had to take a year off for therapy. "

He nodded.

" I didn't need it this time. Your music was my therapy. I didn't try to commit suicide. Your music helped me to overcome my insecurities. " She smiled while wiping her tears.

He realised how his presence affected a lot of people. Directly or indirectly.

" I am happy to know that I was able to help you just like you did. "

She nodded.

She was taking a long time so the line wasn't moving. The staff motioned her to move. He didn't want her to leave.

He waved at her.

She nodded and looked back to see Yeonhee blushing in front of Jimin and Mimi covering her laughter in front of Taehyung.

Some things were meant to happen one way or another.

Just a simple phone call changed her whole life.

She wished for a peaceful life ahead and for his life to be much more bright before messaging him.

-Let's talk later 💜.


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