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"Mal, Mal, Mal!!" I hear all the reporters scream at her as i walk out of the castle

"What's it like for the soon to be queen?"

"How do you like Auradon?"

"Is your Mum still a lizard?"

I walk over to her and i place my arm around her shoulder

"Hey! That's enough i don't need you crowding the famous friend, that's my job, piss off!"

"What i think Princess Hadley of the isle means is, if you are on the school grounds you are either skipping or trespassing" The fairy Godmother says as she comes up behind Mal and i.

I watch as she shushes all of the media photographers and they all turn and walk out of the grounds.

Just as i think that i am in the clear and i turn around, Fairy Godmothers voice stops me in my tracks.

"Hadley" She says and i whisper curse and i turn around, slowly

"Yes, Fairy Godmother?" I say, dreading what she is going to say to me

"What have i told you about using fowl isle language in Auradon?"

"Not to?" I say as i tilt my head

"Exactly, this is why you are still in goodness classes and everyone else has graduated from it" She says as she walks off.

Suddenly, Evie walks over and grabs Mal's arm.

"If we don't do a fitting for your gown right this minute, you will be dancing in your bath robe" She says and she sees me standing behind Mal


"No" I say as she looks at me


"No, i'm not getting a dress fitted, i'm not going to be made to wear a dress again" I say as she looks at me

"Uh, fine, but we will be having this conversation tomorrow"

"And i will win again, tomorrow" I say as Mal gets pulled inside by her.

Suddenly, i feel hands go around my front and i feel a head being placed on my shoulder

"Guess who"

"Hummm, i don't know, could it be my boyfriend?" I say as i spin around in Jays arms "Yes it is!"

"Lucky guess" He says as he looks at my face "What class have you got next?" He asks me

"Remedial goodness-"

"101" We say together and i role my eyes

"I don't see why i need those classes, i can behave, its just those reporters who are always storming the school, they always piss me off!" I say, getting heated just thinking about them

I look up and i see Jay giving me a look as if to say and you wonder why you have goodness classes.

I role my eyes and smile, as we both walk into the school.

I role my eyes and smile, as we both walk into the school

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