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After talking with my Dad, I manage to find my way back to the limo.

"Hadley, are you OK? I was about to come and get you, I thought that you were-" I cut him of by kissing his lips. "Lost" He finishes after we pull away.

I smile at him, sadly, and he looks concerned as he lifts my chin up to look at my face better.

"What's wrong?" He asks me and I shake my chin out of his hold as i wrap my arms around him in a hug.

"Nothing, I'm just glad that I have you, you seem to be the only thing that I'm certain of at the moment" I tell him

"It will get better" He says and I laugh as I pull away and we get into the limo

"You are not the one that just got told that you're the half sister of Arianna" I say as I sit next to him as Evie talks to Dizzy about ice-cream.

"As in, Arianna-"

"Ariels daughter" I sigh as I nod

"So your Dad and Ariel-" I cringe as he speaks

"Yes I guess so" I say

"But wasn't she born with a tail!"

"I don't know Jay, u don't read my fairytales every night, all i know is that Harry is going to be delighted"

After driving through the barrier, I glance behind us and I gasp

"It's hhadies, stoot he car he's trying to escape" I say a as the car stops and we all jump out.

We all rush to stand behind the car and I see Mal begin to turn into dragon form as she battles with the magic of his blue embor.

I see her beginning to loose and I take a deap breath before I start to stare into his eyes.

"You will stop, you will stay on the side of the barrier that you belong, you will stop struggling" I say, surprised at what I'm doing and I see him stop struggling as he turns around and walks away.

"Hadley, Mal!" I hear the others shout and I feel Jay stand behind me as I watch him walk away

"I don't know what I did, Jay, it just sort of.. happened" I say, panick beginning to become evident in my voice as he hugs me to himself.  "Jay, what did I do?"

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now