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I walk onto the ship and i see Jay standing by the punch

I walk over to him and i tap his shoulder

He turns around and looks at me "You look amazing!" He says to me as he hugs me

"You do as well, but i can't take the credit, Evie made the dress" I say to him as we pull away and we both laugh.

Suddenly, trumpets begin to sound and Jay and walk closer to hear the announcer say Mals name

I watch as she rounds the corner and i smile

"She looks so good" I whisper to Jay and he nods and she walks toward us and i hug her after Evie

"You're gonna do great!" I tell her

"I hope so" She replies

Suddenly, the trumpets sound again and the announcer says Bens name

Ben walks down the steps and he looks sorry

I raise an eyebrow as he approaches Mal

"Mal, i swish i had time to explain" He says and i gasp, seeing Uma walk down the steps after him

Uma and Ben talk to Mal and after a while i see her growing more and more upset

"Ok, that's enough, nock it off" I say as i walk up to Uma and i push her back as Mal walks to Evie and she looks like she's about to cry "I don't care what sort of stupid, evil games you play on the isle with my Brother and Gil, but you don't bring it here, to Auradon!" I say as i go to step closer to her when Ben steps in front of her, shielding her from my view

"Hadley, i love her, please show some respect for your future Queen" He says and i gasp

"MY future Queen, this hoe, i think not!" I say and i hear a few people gasp "Oh, sorry, i swore again didn't i" I say as i look at the fairy Godmother but she just smiles at me

"How dare you disrespect Uma!" Ben shouts

"I will and i'm going to, you little two timing bitch!" I shout at Uma behind Ben and i see her starting to grow irritated "You do not deserve to ruin another great, loving relationship!" I shout at her and Ben looks at me confused

"Another?" He asks and i sigh

"It was ages ago, when Jay and were back on the isle, we didn't tell anyone, i didn't even tell Evie, Mal or Carlos" I say as i look at each of them and they look at me, confused "Jay and were actually in a relationship, we were so happy, them Uma somehow found out and that's what drove our parents to hate each other even more, consequently making them go to the measure of not letting us speak to each other" I say and i hear Evie gasp "That's why i will not let you ruin Mal's future with Ben!" I say as i shove Ben out the way

Suddenly as soon as my hand touches Uma's face, in a slap, something comes over me and i open my mouth saying whatever comes to mind

"Uma, you will not hurt Mal, you will leave here and go back to the isle and never come to Auradon for bad again!" I shout angrily, but it comes out more as a song and i watch in disbelief as she gets a glint in her eyes and she jumps off the side of the boat, tentacles appearing all over her and i gasp as Mal transforms into a dragon and she flies to try to stop Uma.

"WAIT!" I shout and Uma and Mal look at me as i walk to the edge of the boat and i jump in the water

"Hadley!" I hear Jay shout

I resurface from the water and i look Uma in the eyes

"YOU WILL LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE, YOU WILL GO AS FAR FROM AURADON AS HUMANLY PASSIBLE, YOU WILL LEAVE!" I shout in a song and to mine and everyone else's surprise her eyes become glossy and she disappears into the water.

Suddenly, i feel a strange sensation happening on my legs and i look down to see my legs becoming a mermaid tale.

I'm a siren?!

I feel around my head as i feel something appear on it and i feel a crown

I'm Queen sirens daughter?!

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now