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After Jay helps me off the motorbike on the Isle, we discuss the plan.

"Wow, Mal. You look... Great again" I say and she smiles

"Evil magic can't be used on the Isle remember?"

She laughs and then we follow the others down to Mr Facilier's voodoo emporium.

I walk around as the others go to get the key to Hades cave

I walk over to a claw machine and i see that the prize is a plastic kids toy.

I smile, it's worth a shot.

I place the coin into it and i start to use the lever to position the claw over a ball.

I squeal as I get one and i lean down and pick up the container that roles out.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me and I feel them tap there arms around my waist.

"Which one do you think that you've got?" Jay asks me

"I'm not sure, but only one way to find out" I say

I crack open the container and I find out that I got a plastic ring.

"Awe look how cute" I say as i give it to Jay "Here, it matches your others" I tell him, clearly knowing that the cheap plastic ring sticks out like a saw thumb.

"Why thank you, but you do know that the guy is supposed to give the girl a ring, you know" He says and I smile as I spin around in his hold as i place the ring on his finger.

"Since when did we do anything by the book, Mr Jafar?" I say as he leans forward and gives me a quick kiss on my lips.

"As much as we all enjoyed that PDA, we have to get going" Mal says as we detach and nod, running out the underground room.


"Hey!" I shout as I spot Umas gang on our bikes.

"Bye bye" Harry calls as he whizzes past us.

"Harry, I'm going to kil-" I place my hand over my mouth.

"What's wrong, Hadley?" Evie asks as she looks at me and I sigh as I take my hand away.

"I don't trust myself to say things like that anymore, God knows what would happen if my magic started playing up" I say and Jay touches my shoulder in comfort.

"I bet we will be able to cut them off the next corner if we go now" Carlos says

Jay, Evie and Carlos all run off and I go to run off with them when Mal stops me

"We might need back up on this end, and seeing as your magic is from a pure of heart, it should be able to be used here, we might need you" Mal says and I nod as I walk with them into Hades lair.

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now