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After getting led into the bottom deck of the ship, I sit across from my Dad as he sighs, rubbing his face.

"It all started when one of the villains escaped here" Dad tells me and I gasp

"Someone really escaped?!"

"Aye, but no one knew which villain it was. Anyway, when they escaped, they tried to capture as many of the royals as they could in a town. The town was called storybooke" I listen intently "King Beasty blackmailed a bunch of us to help him brake the curse to free them and that's how I met her, your Mother. She was beautiful, sitting on the rock out at see, I thought that I was seeing things, I thought that the rum was getting to me. But no, there she was and the rest is history"

I feel a presence behind me

"Alright cap, we need new orders" someone says and he runs away

"Ay, and you, never mention your Mother again!"

"And whys that"

"If anyone finds out that you are the second daughter of Ariel... I'll be dead"

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now