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"Jay!" I shout as i run into the boys room and Carlos and Jay look up from what they are doing, sitting on their beds "Mal's gone back to the isle!"

"Wait what, why?" Carlos asks as he stands up and Jay does the same

"She got into a big fight with Ben and then she took off, something about her not belonging here, i'm afraid that she might get hurt! I don't think she realises how many people on the isle want her dead because of her staying over here with us" I say

"Well then what do we do?" Jay asks

"We have to go over there and find her and bring her back, Evie and Ben are already at the limos, we have to go!" I say as we all run out of the dorm room


After arriving at the isle i get out of limo and i look around, i haven't been here in so long and i certainly haven't worn these clothes in a year. (Above)

We all help to cover the limo with sheets.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben shouts down the way to Uma's ship

"You do not want to know" Jay says as he takes im away from it

"Hey, guys, remember the last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here" Carlos says and i look at Jay and i nod.

We walk further down the street and Ben walks up to a guy and introduces himself

"Stop!" I say and he retracts his hand back "Never introduce yourself to anyone" I say as i pull him away from the guy

"Don't apologize either" Jay says as he walks up behind me, seeing ben about to say sorry.

"This is a bad idea, guys" I say

"We don't really have nay other choice" Evie says and i nod

Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it rightYou need to drag your feet
You need to nod your head
You need to lean back
Slip through the cracks
You need to not care
Uh, you need to not stare
You need a whole lot of help
(You need to not be yourself)You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (hey)
Chillin' like a, chillin' like a (hey), villainYour attention when you act like that
Let us teach you how to disappear
You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat
Gotta be wrong to get it right 'round hereYou need to watch your back
You need to creep around
You need to slide real smooth
Don't make a sound
And if you want it, take it
And if you can't take it, break it
And if you care about your health
(Seriously, you need to not be yourself)You wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You don't break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like aI really wanna be bad a lot
And I'm giving it my best shot
But it's hard being what I'm not
Well if you don't, you're gonna get us caught
He's right, we gotta stay low-key
Now show us how bad you can be
Like this? (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Like this? (yeah, yeah)
Oh yeah, I think I got this
Let's go, I'm ready to rock this
And I ain't gonna thank you for your help
I think I found the words to myselfYou wanna be cool?
Let me show you how
You need to break the rules
I can show you how
And once you catch this feeling
And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain (chillin')
Chillin' like a villain

Suddenly, Ben runs into Gil

"Hey, i know you"

"No... I don't know you man" Ben says

"Ehh, year you do, come on, dude i'll give you a hint, my Dad is quick, slick and his neck is incredibly  thick" He says, but he suddenly stops after seeing a picture of ben behind him "OHHHH you're king Ben?!"

"Ok, that's enough Gil" I say as i walk around the others

"Hadley?!" He says as he hugs me and i hug him back as the others look at me, confused "I thought you left me" He says sadly

"Of cause i didn't leave you" I say as he pulls back from me "Your like a brother to me, i couldn't leave you, i have been trying to bring you over to Auradon for the past year" I tell him and i look behind me to Ben "Ben, this is Gil, son of Gaston, this is who you told me you couldn't bring over because he's too dangerous" I say and he waves slightly at Gil and he waves back.

"Gil i promise" I say as i place my hands on his shoulders "I will get you out of here, but you have to do me a favour" I say and he nods

"Anything" He says

"You can't tell Uma or Harry about us coming back here ok?" I say and he nods, sceptically

"Uma will be mad" He says

"I will deal with her, do not tell her, ok?" I say and he nods

"Uma's probably looking for me to do her chores again, i've got to go" He says and i nod

"I'll see you later" I say and he runs off

I turn to Ben

"That's some of the people that live on the isle, Ben. He is basically my brother and he is so nice, he is misunderstood, not dangerous at all, just because his Dad is Gaston... he needs help and only Auradon can help him, but you won't let him get the help he needs" I say as i shake my head, walking off

"Hadley, wait!"

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now