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After I arrive back at Auradon, Jay walks with me to inside the cottage and i sigh as i sit on a seat.

I rest my head in my hands as i feel him kneel in front of me.

"Hadley? Are you sure that you're ok?" Jay asks me again as i take my head out of my hands and i look up at all of them.

"I don't know what's happening to me." I say, honestly "It's like after i jumped into that water, the siren in me is acting when i don't even try. I don't know what i do when i use my magic, i don't have any control over it" I say as Jay stands and raps his arm around my shoulders.

Suddenly, Carlos looks over at the window and shouts

"Guys!" I turn my head and i see Audrey with the septor and crown cursing Mal.

We all rush out the house and we watch as she disappears.

"Mal, are you o- AHHH!" I turn and look and i see a frightened Jay as he looks at Mal's old form.

"Mal, what happened?!" I ask, worriedly

"It doesn't matter" She tells me "No curse can be undone that has been made by that septor, you need to stop her before she curses the whole of Auradon!" Mal says "The only thing more powerful then the septor is Hades ember"

"Well, it's not like he's just going to hand it to us" Carlos points out

"It will be in his lair" Mal adds

"Well, we don't have a key" I point out

"But i do, i'm his little errand rat" Cecilia tells us

"Then lets go!"


The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now