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"If he's wandered off he could be anywhere!" I say as we all look down the dark street

Suddenly, a figure walks forward and we all breath a sigh of relief

"Ben don't scare us like that!" Evie says, voicing all of our thoughts

"Don't scare you, but that's my speciality" I hear a Scottish accent say as Harry steps into  the light and i feel Jay hold my hand.

"Harry, what did you do to Ben?" Jay asks him

"Oh, yeah, we nicked him and if you want to see him again, how about coming to the chip shop tonight" He says

I go to step forward, when Jay keeps my back

I look at him and he tells me he's not worth it.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my wee sister" He says

"Hi, Harry" I say

"Still mucking about with the thieves son?" He asks me and now it's my turn to hold Jay back

"Yes, Harry, i'm still with Jay, he is my boyfriend after all" I say to him

"Not for looonnngg" He sings as he turns around and walks down the alley again, but not before he shouts "Wait until i tell Dad, oh he will be glad that you're back" He says as his figure disappears

I sigh and i feel Jay put his arms around my shoulders and i hug his side

"Great" I say "First Ben gets taken and now mine and Jay's parents are going to split us apart, well try to, again. I wish they would just get over the fact that your Dad stole from my Dad a couple times, i'm sure they weren't valuables" I say as i sigh, again

"He stole many gold pieces" Jay says and i glare at him "What?" He asks as i look away

"Not helping!"

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now