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(WARNING: Strong language in this chapter)

After coming out on the other side of the isle, after passing through my street, i find myself staring face to face with Harry.

"Hey big Bro, how you doing?" I say as i look for a way to run around him, but he moves and stops me

"Ah, ah, ah... not so fast" He says "I want to know why i didn't get an invitation to the isle this year" He asks me

"You know Ben wouldn't let you" I say

"I don't think you want me there" He says and i sigh

"Listen, Harry, we only got to pick one person each to bring into Auradon and i knew that i couldn't choose between you and Gil so i-"

"- you didn't pick either of us?" He says

"Exactly!" I say, knowing that he's getting madder and madder.

I glance behind him and i see Dad walking out of our ship "Listen, Harry, as much as i enjoy our little... fights, i have something important to deal with" I say as i scurry out from under his arm as he shouts at me to fight him.


After reaching Dad, i take a deep breath and i cough

He turns around and he looks at me up and down

"Well if it isn't my Daughter... What do you want, i don't have time to speak to you, not after how you betrayed me" He says and i roll my eyes

"It wasn't betrayal it was... i don't know what, but it's not my fault, the heart wants what the heart want-"

"-Don't feed me that shit and call it edible!" He shouts at me and i shout, starting to get angry

"Well at least i didn't fuck a mermaid and get her pregnant!" I shout and my Dad looks shocked before he looks around the ship

"You nosy b- GET BACK TO WORK!" He shouts at the crew members and they mutter before going back to what they were doing. "And you!" He says as he turns to me "Come with me"

The Son of Jafar ||OC x Jay|| Descendants DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now