Make Me a Believer

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May 22nd, 2015

Perry had to plug his nose upon entry into the bathroom after Calico had finished.

"Jesus woman, have you no shame?" Perry spoke in a  nasally voice.

"Come on, Perry! It's gentlemen's etiquette 101 to keep your mouth shut about a women's bathroom time." Calico covered her devious smile.

"If I'm supposed to be a gentleman, then you have to act like a lady, and that shit was not very lady-like, literally. Put some clothes on, you sultry minx, we have to get going soon." Perry made wafting motions with his hands to air out the bathroom. After stomaching her sinister smell and using the facilty, Perry grabbed his keys and headed for the door, with Calico in tow.

Calico had been staying at Perry's on a regular basis, leaving her original house to her double. Perry had been living every day like he was on his honeymoon, minus all of the youthful sex and over-sentimental I-love-yous. The pair usually spent their days on the couch, listening to radio broadcasts since the television stopped working. Occasionally, the two of them had to leave the house and make a trip to the food bank.

Since Littleton was essentially abandoned, they had to drive into the inner city for food. Perry didn't like going, it made him feel as if he couldn't provide for Calico, which prompted her to defend her womanly independence.

"Listen, Perry," She turned to look at him as he drove, "I'm not your baby-mama, we aren't twenty year old kids trying to make a living working at waffle house, I'm a grown ass woman, and you're a grown ass man. We need food, there's no shame in surviving like this." 

Perry smiled, Calico had a very comforting way of saying extremely blunt things.

The duo arrived at the food bank, which had been a Kroger grocery store that Perry had actually once worked at when he was much younger. Littleton was fortunate enough to be close enough to other major cities as to not be completely forgotten, but far enough away to not be sacked by looters. It was a sweet spot in the new dog-eat-dog world that was being ushered in.

Perry had to spend several minutes playing the cutthroat game of parking-lot-dueling with the other drivers, before finally just parking in the grass outlet directly next to the Kroger.

"Fuck it, it's not like they can tow me." Perry put on the parking brake and exited the Tahoe with Calico.

The line for the bank was surprisingly tame, in comparison to the number of cars parked in the lot. Armed guards lined the walls, with several men on the roof, all keeping a consistent watch on everything. The last time Perry was here, somebody had received a hardy and well deserved beating for cutting in line. Perry was glad it wasn't him.

Perry pulled at the collar of his light blue button-up shirt in an attempt to air himself out slightly. He and Calico had dressed weather appropriate; Perry in his light blue shirt and khakis, because he knew that light colors reflected sunlight, and Calico in a grey tank top and a  pair of sweatpants that she had cut into a pair of shorts. Perry would never have guessed she was a police officer if he didn't meet her at the police station.

"Jesus of Nazareth," Perry whined, "I'm sweating like a cornered nun."

"Good grief, Perry. What will you do with yourself when they won't let you use the air conditioning anymore?" Calico wiped sweat from her brow.

"I'll just have you fan me, why do you think I keep you around anyway?" Perry smiled cheekily.

"Oh shush." Calico rolled her eyes.

After waiting in line for over an hour, Perry and Calico were ushered inside to receive their meager fare of food. Perry looked over the pathetic excuse for a meal that was offered to him, almost laughing at it; the portions were getting notably smaller. Perry looked at the plump worker who gave him his meal; he didn't seem to missing any. He looked slicker than greased weasel shit on a doorknob.

"Excuse me," Perry started, "I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a big guy. I'm not trying to slim down to fit in my bikini."

"Perry, don't." Calico started, anxious to prevent a scene.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is all we can give out, you have to deal like everyone else." The man snobbishly replied.

"Deal? We're supposed to just deal?" Perry raised his voice, turning a few heads, "You can't skimp us on the food just so you can have more!" 

"Perry!" Calico grabbed his forearm, practically dragging him out of the store. Perry shot out a few more colorful phrases before the doors were able to close on him. Calico whipped Perry around to face her, an evident look of vexation drawn across her face.

"What the hell was that about? Do you not see the armed guards around? You say shit like that and you'll cause a riot. Use your head!" She took a breath, waiting for his retort.

"I'm sorry," Perry lowered his voice to a proper speaking level, "I just want to make sure we're okay. I mean this isn't the fifteenth century, people don't live off of a piece of bread and a teaspoon of goat milk anymore."

"I understand that, but you can't argue with the people that have the power, otherwise they might not feed us next time, and I'd like to have a little bit of food then none at all."

Calico began walking back to the Tahoe. Perry followed behind her, thinking of the words to say, thinking of how to atone for his hissy fit. As Calico hopped in the car with her stout legs and began to close the door, Perry approached her from behind and stood in the door frame.

"I love you, Abby." Perry spoke without hesitation. Calico looked at him, her eyes wide.

"What brought this on?" She asked, her tone genuinely curious.

"All this food talk has really got me thinking, I love food, but I value you above any piece of prime rib that I could ever eat, so I guess that means I love you." Perry looked down at the ground, unnerved by the silence of Calico. He truly believed that he loved her, even if she didn't love him back.

"You know, Perry, you don't have to make stupid quips about it, because i fucking love you too, ya dingus." Calico took Perry's hands and pulled him in closer, looking up at him from her spot in the Tahoe.

"You know, I've never christened this car before." Perry raised an eyebrow.

"But there are people around, you fucking deviant!" Calico was bashfully red.

"Are they gonna stop us?" Perry climbed on top of Calico and closed the door behind him.

 Nobody stopped them.

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