Here's My Reason

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March 19th, 2015

It was Thursday, one more day until the weekend, one more day until Lacie got a much needed break from her fellow classmates. The classrooms cycled between the gym, the cafeteria, the band hall, and the library. Today was a cafeteria day, and also Lacie's least favorite of them all. Since Dupe day, she had found it nearly impossible to find anyone to sit with. Lacie was one of seven people in the entire school that didn't have a dupe, but she couldn't even sit with them, because none of them shared the same class days. Everybody wanted to sit with their dupes, and their friends with dupes, but nobody wanted to talk with someone that didn't know anything about what it's like to pick out clothes with yourself. Lacie has even seen some dupes kissing each other, among other things. "Would that be incest?" Lacie thought to herself. The whole idea continued to baffle her.

She searched the cafeteria for an empty seat anywhere in the dimly lit cafeteria, but found nothing. Even spots lining the walls of the cafeteria were jam packed full of people. After making two full revolutions of the cafeteria, she settled for a nice spot on the ground next to a smelly Mexican boy and a girl from the special needs department. Her faced was flushed red, she knew other people in the cafeteria saw her not fitting in anywhere. To Lacie's relief, neither of her sitting neighbors bothered her with idle conversation, seeing as they were both busy conversing with their dupes. She put a single headphone into her ear and drifted off into a blend of music from her favorite play-list. Lacie kept one headphone out to pretend to listen to Mr. Dara, just in case he posed her with a question. Lacie began nodding off, powerless to answer any questions Mr. Dara might have asked.

Some time later, Lacie was woken up by a soft tapping on her thigh by a brown shoe. She looked up to see Mr. Dara once again looming over her, his dark-toned skin looked that much more so in the dusky color of the room. She wasn't sure if it was him or his dupe, so she had to tread lightly.

"It's time to go little lady, you can take a nap at home." Mr. Dara teased.

"Sorry, I was only out for a minute." Lacie stood up and gathered her things.

"That's a load of crap, I saw you were out like a light since class started." he crossed his arms.

"Well I'm still sorry." Lacie began walking toward the exit. She thought it was sort of odd that Mr. Dara had had his eye on her for that long, it gave her a chill that she couldn't shake.

Lacie followed behind a group of people going through the large metal double doors that led outside. She stopped for a moment to untangle her headphones when she heard someone calling her name from behind her. Lacie recognized the voice as being none other than Audrey, with her dupe and her friend from gym in tow. Lacie greeted her with a half-hearted smile.

"Hey, what's up?" Lacie didn't make eye contact.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to see how you were holding up. How are you doing?" Audrey's tone was oddly upbeat for the current topic of conversation.

"What do you mean, why wouldn't I be okay?" Lacie was legitimately confused.

"Didn't you hear? All the people on the news are saying that if you don't have a Godsend, you're probably gonna die. I thought you knew. Don't you watch the news?" Lacie could hear the condescension in Audrey's voice, her face became red.

"That's just some stupid theory shit like everything else they say! Do you believe everything the news says?" Even Lacie was surprised with her outburst.

"Well when there are clones of everyone walking around, you have to listen to someone. Calm down Lacie, you probably still have a few months left at least."

Audrey and her posse all giggled and walked around Lacie, leaving her there with her tangled headphones and tangled thoughts. She stood there for a moment, un-knotting her headphones mulling over what Audrey had just said. "What if she's right? What if I only have a few months left to live? What do I do with myself? How would I even die? This is stupid." The straightened out her headphones and jammed the headphone jack into her IPod. It took her a minute to find a play list to match her mood.

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