Bad Attitude Man

108 3 1

January 31st, 2015

After sashaying out of the police station a few days before, Perry had realized that he didn't actually get any of the particulars about his date with Calico. This revelation led to several awkward and lengthy phone calls with Calico over where she wanted to go and when she wanted to go there. The only thing that Perry had made abundantly clear to her was that she should dress extremely nice. After Perry had finally juiced her of all the information he needed, he simply waited until the weekend. That Saturday, he dressed in the tuxedo he had worn at his wedding; a very GQ looking thing, though it didn't fit him the way it used to.

Since the day all the doubles arrived, most restaurants had closed down, so it proved quite difficult to find any place to actually sit down and have a meal. Luckily for Perry, Calico didn't much care where they went. Perry combed his hair gingerly, careful not to lose the few strands that remained on his balding head. As 6:30 rolled around, he got in his car, an old Chevy Tahoe, and drove to the address given to him by Calico over the phone.

Pulling up to his destination, which was not that far at all from his own house in the suburbs, Perry immediately knew he was in the right place; Calico stood outside the front door of a red-brick house with her double. Seeing Calico outside of work threw Perry for a loop, but he was delighted to see that she took his advice about dressing nice very literally. Calico looked as though she was about to attend a royal wedding; her opulent, salmon-colored dress cascading across the concrete driveway as she approached the car.

"Jesus, where on earth did you buy that thing? You hiding a taser in there somewhere?" Perry teased as she walked up to the window.

"I wore this to my sister's wedding. And at least mine fits, asshole." She replied quickly. Perry smiled.

"You ready to go?" Perry examined her house, seeing Calico's double staring at them from her spot at the front door, her arms crossed.

"Yeah let's get out of here, I'm fucking starving." Calico opened the passenger side door and hopped in, making sure none of her dress got caught in the door.

After a short drive out of suburbia, Perry entered downtown Littleton, which wasn't much of a downtown at all; there were small shops for various nick-knack items, it basically served as a outlet mall for the entire town. Perry had lived in Littleton his entire life, which gave him the edge when it came to finding gems within the town itself. Perry pulled the Tahoe into the gravel driveway of a small, rustic looking establishment with one other car parked outside.

The dutifully dressed duo got out of the vehicle and began walking towards the building. Perry could see Calico scrutinizing the place with her eyes as they approached. Immediately walking in, Perry could smell the delicious grease and fry oil that made him fall in love with this place all over again. A young waitress and her double were nearby, both of them motioned Perry and Calico to sit wherever they wanted.

"I know it doesn't look like much, but this place is the fucking best, trust me." Perry lead Calico forward to an empty booth and sat down.

"This place is dead, I thought you said we were gonna get a burger?" Calico adjusted her dress and she sat down.

"Oh, we're getting a burger, don't you worry about that. I used to come in here every day after school; I love this place, it's the best burger you'll ever have." Perry could already feel his mouth watering.

A moment later the two waitresses came over, both of them arguing over who got to take the order, before settling for one waitress for Perry and the other for Calico. They both ordered a double cheeseburger with fries. Perry told the two feuding waitresses that he would tip them both evenly, if only to shut them up. While they waited for the food, Perry and Calico go to know one another.

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