Hang Me Out To Dry

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March 28th, 2015 

It was evident to Lacie that she didn't belong here; she didn't know why she had come to begin with. The fast-paced music and robotic people told her that much, that this crowd was too high energy for her. Lacie had heard about a party the day before and decided to make an appearance, she would have to live a little if she was expected to die soon anyway. She just didn't truly realize what a party would entail; ridiculous dancing, foreign smells, loud people, generic tracks from whoever thought they were a DJ. The shindig was taking place at Audrey's house; and even though Lacie wasn't invited, she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Lacie was worried that she wasn't using proper party etiquette, considering she had never been to one before.

No heads turned upon her arrival, and nobody seemed to be giving her any looks while she sat on the somewhat antiquated looking couch with a limearita she had taken from a nearby cooler. She sipped on the bittersweet beverage, looking at all the faces in the room, most of whom she had seen in passing at school at some point, but others looked too old to even be in high school anymore. Every single one she could see had a dupe standing somewhere nearby, which was no surprise. After admiring the poorly choreographed dance moves of the intoxicated patrons for around fifteen minutes, Lacie was approached by the boy she had immediately recognized as the one from Audrey's entourage. She knew that he had recognized her, he had been there when Audrey had insulted her about a week ago. The two of them were thick as thieves.

"Didn't expect to see to see you here!" The evidently buzzed boy said.

"Yeah I wasn't planning on coming, but I thought 'why not?'" Lacie played off, coolly.

"No I mean I wasn't expecting you here because this is a Godsend only party, and I know you don't have one. So why are you here?" He took a sip of mystery liquid from his red solo cup. Lacie didn't know it was a dupe exclusive party, that changed things.

"I feel like this isn't your house, so it's none of your business, dude." Lacie defended.

"No you're right, it ain't my house, but I can go get Audrey if you want." The boy knew he had the upper hand, regardless of his mental state. A moment later, his dupe showed up, holding a red solo cup as well. The only difference between the two was the color shirts they wore. Lacie's original accuser wore a navy polo, while his dupe, or possibly the actual original him, wore a dark green t-shirt.

"Hey, I remember you. What's she doin' here?" The dark green shirt boy mumbled, he was significantly more toasted than his dupe.

"I dunno, I was just asking her and she wouldn't tell me. Should we go tell Audrey?" Navy polo asked.

"Well hold on, she's that girl that doesn't have a Goddy, right? Dark green asked his partner in crime.

"Yeah, that's her. Why though?" Navy polo asked.

"Well how about this," Dark green began, "Since she doesn't have one, she has to do everything for two people. That's fair, right? So she has to drink double, smoke double, everything double!" Dark green seemed very pleased with his plan.

"Yeah I guess that works." Lacie wasn't sure what else to say, all she knew is that she didn't want to be humiliated by getting kicked out. 

"Fuckin' A! Let's get this bitch some shots! C'mon!" Dark green grabbed Lacie's arm and led her into the kitchen, where a cornucopia of liquor waited on the counter. He poured four shots, two for Lacie, and one for him and one for Navy. Lacie picked up her first shot of what she assumed was vodka, by virtue of the fact that it was clear and smelled like rubbing alcohol. The smell repulsed her, she had never really had hard liquor before, let alone drank for two people. The small group all held up their shot glasses together, clinking them together before tilting the glasses back. A few shots and a blunt later, Lacie found herself throwing up over the side of the back porch, puking up all the poison she had ingested. 

"Come on, man, let that bitch dry out for a bit." She could hear one of her party mates saying to the other.

"She's fine, shut up."

Lacie pushed herself off the rickety railing that was holding her up, and steadied herself.

"I'm fine." She said, wiping her mouth. Dark green handed Lacie a bottle of water to wash her mouth out with. 

A few moments later, they all proceeded back inside, where Lacie lost herself.

Lacie woke up the next day, her morning breath enough to peel paint. She found herself on the very same couch that she had occupied earlier in the evening, except now she was without clothing. Lacie immediately covered herself as best she could, frantically looking around for any semblance of clothing. She found a dingy sweater and wrapped it around herself. Looking around, Lacie could see that most of the people had left, but there were some who had stayed, passed out most likely. Lacie searched across the bodies on the floor for Dark green and Navy, but couldn't see them anywhere. Lacie sauntered up the stairs to Audrey's room, which was surprisingly empty, and began rifling through her clothes. After finding a semi suitable outfit, Lacie made for the front door.

She could only imagine what had happened.

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