Alan Quimby and the Sobering Truth

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March 3rd, 2015

The thing that most of the people don't realize about Dupe Day is that it was, in fact, the Rapture. Our planet can sustain a maximum population of around fifteen billion people, and that's if it grows at a steady rate. For the population to double from eight billion to almost sixteen billion people overnight is sure to prove disastrous for everyone. New York City is still, and will probably maintain a status of  Martial law until something can be done with the dupes. Crime and overcrowding have made the city a cesspool, the homeless population worldwide has caused the crime rate to skyrocket. Many rural cities have been abandoned completely due to lack of food, farms are being raided for food before the inevitable global food drought begins.

The worst part is, the government knows all of this, and are complacent to sit and watch the world crumble. I'm sure that while the rest of the world kills itself, the President and his cabinet members will have stockpiles of food to splurge on. Since the government has made no attempts to single out the dupes in any way, except for the laughable GIP (Godsend Individualization Program) there are people throughout the country who have banded together and actually started hunting for the dupes, and it may sound heartless to say, but this may be more necessary than we realize. The Chinese have started killing their dupes outright, seeing as overpopulation was a problem for them before Dupe Day, and things are only going to get worse.

This world is facing its greatest and final crisis.

Alan Quimby

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