Sacrifice - II

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Part two to perseverance. Written: March 13, 2021. Word count: 6.8k.

// dehumanization, death, torture, manipulation, violent imagery

I completely forgot that i put foolish in the group in perseverance so let's just forget that

They sat there processing what they had just witnessed, staring numbly at Sam, then the gushing lavafall that Dream was behind.

Puffy was the first one to speak.

"You just left him in there!" she shrieked, surprising both herself and her companions. Dream deserved to be in the Prison, so why did she care so much about him? Because he doesn't deserve what the Egg's doing to him right now. He looks like he's in so much pain!

Did he? Did he deserve what the Egg's doing to him for all he's done?

Sam's voice was calm and and steady, if only a bit tired, "Puffy, if I had not let down the lava the vines would've reached us."

"But they're fireproof!"

"They're fireproof?" Sam reeled, turning to watch the glowing lava more carefully.

"You think the vines can be destroyed by a little bit of lava?" Bad laughed disdainfully, before his face fell. "Wait- something weird is happening."

The two Pro-Omeletters shared a confused glance.

Ant chimed, "Yeah- it's like- it's like I can't really hear the Egg anymore!"

"Wait- what do you mean?" she asked, pacing.

"It's- it's like I can't feel it," Bad answered, his tone confused, then surprised. "Whatever Dream is doing, it's like he's taking the Egg's power!"

"Look-" Sam shouted, still staring at the lava.

There were tentacles. So bright and vivid, clasping the sides of the dark, purple and obsidian walls like they were clinging desperately onto them. Inching out, quivering, as the vines lifted themselves into the open air.

As if they were testing their surroundings.

The four watched, transfixed, before Puffy found her voice and shouted, "WHAT THE-"

It broke them out of their trance and they scrambled to get away. Even the Eggpire members stepped back, although more hesitantly.

They retreated to the lava tunnel in quiet fear, Sam leading them through the hidden passageways until they were back outside.

"What is it... doing?" Puffy queried, the question hanging in the tense air.

"I don't know, I just- it feels like-" Ant broke off, shaking his head.

Bad finished his sentence, "It's like, the power is concentrated in there."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that the Egg is trying to corrupt Dream right now, Sam," Puffy bit, her voice sharp. "Whatever it's doing, it looks like it's hurting him, alright?"

"Then he deserves it," Sam said simply, oddly cold.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DESERVES IT?" Puffy explodes, "No one, no one deserves to be tortured like that!"

"Puffy," he replied in an annoyed, tired voice, "You haven't heard of what he's told me. Everything he's said he's done is be manipulative, power-hungry, and just evil."

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