Cloak and Dagger

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Written: July 6, 2021. Word count: 1357.

It's midnight, and Dream cannot sleep. Dragging himself out of bed, he carefully slides open the door, cautiously soundless. Thanking Techno once more for the oiled hinges, he steps into the snow, gleaming a silver light.

He heads off into the approaching forest, the snow barely making a sound under his bare feet.


The tip of a blade nicked the nape of his neck, and he fell still in his stride.

Cold fingers gripped his soul as the chill- or was it flame- of the danger of death spreading down his spine along with a bead of warm, sticky blood.

"Sap- Sapnap?" he called out shakily, afraid to turn around.

Sapnap's hoarse voice answered him, "How did you escape?" Hot adrenaline flooded his veins, and the icy atmosphere of the tundra became apparent.

The wind howled eerily around them, throwing up powdery ice crystals into the moonlight.


It was on the hundredth and seventy-fifth day that it happened.

Technoblade had-

"Techno disappeared for a few days, and then there were- there were explosions." He bit his tongue, cursing himself for answering. You gave away Techno!

He stood stock still as Sapnap- his oldest friend and companion who's chaos led him astray into a path of revenge, murder, and flames- circled around to face him, sword still held stiffly out.

His eyes flicked to the sword, and he almost took a step back, gasping. He had made that sword. Just for him, he remembered thinking as he imbedded fiery orange diamonds into its hilt.


"Technoblade let you out?" Sapnap frowned, glaring. "Wait- what do you mean that he 'disappeared for a few days'?"

His mind whirled, thinking of an escape plan. "Why should I answer that?"

He had a diamond-tipped spear in his inventory and a single loaded crossbow, but he was much physically weaker than Sapnap.

"Or you die," the pyromaniac growled, lifting up his sword and aiming at Dream's chest. "And I burn down Technoblade's house." He flinched at the sight of the crimson-tainted metallic dark purple tip.

"Fine- Techno got stuck in Prison with me, okay?" he spat back. He couldn't text anyone with Sapnap this close to him; he could only either convince Sap to let him go, or look for an opening in his guard.

Sapnap huffed. "Then why did you leave? You know that I have to kill you now- either that, or you let me escort you ba-"

"Quackity was torturing me!" Dream shouted, his voice cracking. "I'm not going-"

"Don't you dare talk about Quackity like that- you liar!" The sword disappeared as Sapnap charged forwards, tackling Dream's body.

He stepped backwards a moment too late, falling like a bird under a cat's grasp. A bird unable to fly because their former master had clipped its wings.

His voice caught in throat, and he inhaled sharply.

He crashed to the merciless ground, white not black. The frigid air helped him focus despite the memories of the countless times he had been in this position before, but in an inescapable volcanic cell.

He stared determinedly at his once-friend's fiery, angry eyes. Plain brown, yet lit with the flames of justice for betrayal.

"What? Got nothing to say, huh?" he snarled, pressing Dream down with a hand. The snow's coldness underneath him contrasted to Sapnap's heated hand against his chest and blade at his neck. The edge pricked his skin, sending hot needles of pain; he was so close to death.

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