Broken Dreams. I.

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Word count: 1759. Written: July 14, 2021.

From Sapnap's 2nd Person pov. Dream has escaped and you know what you need to do.

// scars, aftermath of torture, mentioned character death

Dream has escaped. Dream has escaped. Dream has escaped.

The words fluttered around your mind like incandescent butterflies, unable to be ignored as faint yet insistent blares resounded across the underground rooms.

You grab your skateboard from underneath himself and prop it against the entrance to your quarters before going inside the lava-lit room to retrieve your gear.

"Where are you going?" Punz, the other inhabitant of their underground base, questions you as he puts up his own skateboard he was practising on and enters the room. You throw a glance at him as you suit up, the fiery slivers of quartz on the platinum-netherite suit wrapping welcomingly around your body, familiar.

"I made a promise to Dream a really long time ago," he answered, then sighed. He looked back at the array of two long swords hanging from two adjacent oaken weapon holders on a wall.

"What was it?"

You take the one on the left, the one with the hilt that was embedded with the rutilant diamond gems. They shined with an inner flame, and you vow that this would be the last time it would enter a being's body. Dream's gift would do no more harm.

"I visited him in the Prison and I told him- I warned him that if he left, if he escaped, then I would be the one to kill him," you continue, glaring when Punz's sterling eyes widen. "And I intend to keep that promise." You step out of his room, and into the potions lab next door.

Punz nods slowly. "I'm- I'm not going to stop you, but... are you sure?"

"Yes, Punz; of course I'm sure! He betrayed all of us and he wanted to control everyone- why are you so unsure?" you ask as you pocket a number of potions into your inventory. You slit a wispy ghast tear into a brewing stand. You mindlessly watch the three lotus-pink regeneration potions bubble in a brewing stand as you wait for it to become more potent, fiddling with the leather hilt of your sword.

"It's just... you won't get it, but- he didn't- he knows he still-" Punz huffs, "Nevermind. I won't be able to fucking convince you anyways."

You nod. An oath made by you was an unbreakable oath, and you both know it.

You wait a while longer together in silence until Punz goes back to his skateboard in boredom.

It wouldn't take long to get to the Prison, but tracking Dream down would be an entirely other case. You should ask Sam for my clues to Dream's location too- the Warden probably also wants to murder Dream for escaping, so it'd be fine.

You take the potions from the stand, gingerly stopping them one by one with wooden chips before storing them in his inventory. You step outside of the room, nodding farewell to Punz, who waved as he took the water elevator up to the surface. "Good luck!" the mercenary shouted, his voice fading away in the bubbles.

Thanks, you mentally reply, then open your communicator. You rake the hand over your hair, relishing the fresh, warm breeze combing around your neck.

God, sometimes it doesn't seem stuffy in there until you go outside, you comment in his mind as you type to Sam, "Do you know where Dream's heading?"

The reply is near instantaneous: "With Technoblade."

It is soon followed by another message, "They're going to Technoblade's base, east of the Prison."

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