an equal trade - FIVE.5

48 3 0

bc pov switch interlude. word count: 600.


Sam didn't think that it'd be this easy. This... simple to capture Dream again.

Almost suspicious- it was surprising how quickly he came for Punz- it was only the next morning when the green snake came.

He'd think that Dream didn't care about anyone, the soulless monster he was, though Sam did threaten to hurt Punz. Not that he'd actually do it.

He wouldn't have.

Maybe a few convincing scratches if Dream hadn't come, and then set the hostage free. It was a win-win situation too- they'd have proof of Dream's ruthlessness, or they'd have the tyrant himself.

Sam hardened his expression as he stepped out of the spasming wisps into his prison.

He gave curt nods of acknowledgment to Ant and Bad, who were standing together by the front desk. He had... bribed them to come back, if only for a few days as they secured Punz.

The portal coughed out two more men behind him, the first of which stumbling dizzily through. Through the noise of the rising fatigue that sunk down into Sam's arms and popped his ears, the Prisoner inhaled sharply.

He ignored Bad's wince. "It finally worked!" the guard exclaimed just after, probably to cover the shudder.

"It did. Thank you for your assistance, guards."

"Ah, no pr-"

"Nice air in here," Quackity cut in, irritated of their saccharine charade.

The keycard sliced slick through its slot. Gears rotated and roared in the silence.

Ant finally answered, "It is! Just a bit smoky in my opinion."

Quackity's voice was coldly amused, "How about you, Dream?"

Blackstone walls grumbled as they scraped open, though they were gleaming, well-kept.

"How about you, Dream?" Sam pressured, leading the group.

Footsteps filled the short corridor.

"It... is nice."

"I'm glad you think your future home is amazing," Quackity approved.

"Not really, actually... B-but I'm sure it will get better."

"That's the spirit."

They quickly passed by the minor holding cells- which were, of course, empty. There was no chance they'd hurt George or Sapnap- and perhaps Dream knew that too. Quackity still clung to the fire boy and Sam to innocent, sleeping George (both of which, curiously, Dream did not give much of a shit for).

Despite that it was immoral to hurt an innocent- of course it was immoral!- they didn't hold the same reservations for Punz. And of course Punz was innocent! He's probably been manipulated by Dream into working for him.

And that meant that Dream cared enough about him to want Punz on his side. It was really all just a gamble to see if Dream actually did care about his mercenary.

Punz was the last trick up their sleeves, which was much shorter than what Sam would've preferred.

Hopefully, Dream wouldn't be difficult.

...Honestly, it was annoying how much of a factor- how much power Dream held despite literally everyone hating him (though he was slightly more suspicious of a relationship between Dream and Punz more than the day before.)

Because Dream still held the revival book dangling tauntingly over their noses. Dream still was able to make them do something - no matter however insignificant it was- that he wanted.

Dream still was the pivot to the server's sanity- when he was free, everyone was on the edge. When he was imprisoned, everyone was much more comfortable. But if he was imprisoned but people thought he was dead... was there even much of a difference in the first place?

Sam wasn't even at the Prison and actively guarding it most of the time.

At least no one would care about him anymore- Dream didn't know how much more freedom he just gave to Quackity. Or could he have planned to escape again?

How , though?

Sam had added so many more precautions to the Prison routine and layout-

It would be impossible to break out- or in, even if the perpetrator took advantage of the old schematics.

And now they have possibly one more piece of leverage over Dream- Punz.

If Dream didn't cooperate, Punz... could have an extended stay. The mercenary wouldn't even know about it himself anyways- and that'd be a blessing.

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