Ch. 13 ~ Because it was the Right Thing to Do

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As the others came awake after being tossed every which way, they saw Illyria in all of her horrible tentacled glory. She was a massive monster and looked just like the photo Wesley had shown most of the others at Wolfram & Hart. She was laughing menacingly as she swung her tentacles and claws all over the cave as she was too large to properly fit and every time she hit something, parts of the ceiling came down. She was getting a feel for her old body again and by the laughing, one could tell she loved it. Willow was the only one that was unscathed and she was ready to take out Illyria. The slayers scrambled to their feet and took flanking positions. Buffy's arm and leg were hurt so with Angel's help, she scrambled back toward Willow.

Even though they had Illyria on their side now, the SP's also knew that their dimension had made Willow remarkably stronger than she ever had been before even as Dark Willow. If anyone could take down Illyria, it was Willow. And boy was Willow ready. She was pissed to high hell for Illyria's betrayal. Just as Willow was about to conjure up something to knock Illyria over, a bright light appeared to glow from the corner which got everyone's attention.

"What is that?" Illyria asked in her warped voice.

"Well that my dear is our power source that is how we are able to exist all these eons." One of the SP's explained.

"And what would happen if I put one of my appendages into it? Would it make me stronger?" She said as the SP's exchanged uneasy glances.

"Well yes but...."

"But what?"

"The power source was created to keep us in the power."

"I think just because I returned to my original body, I would stay here and take orders from you. When I was all powerful-you-Wolf, Ram, & Hart were nothing but meager shrimp in a sea of Gods. So no I will not be taking any orders from you. You made me see that if this is to work out, you will be taking orders from me. This dimension and every other will be mine in time. Including earth. I'm an Old One, you are nothing." She said commandingly.

The SP's were at that point wondering if they had made the right choice. An Old One with full strength would not be following their orders and commands. So the only chance they had was to sweeten the deal. Surely, she wouldn't say no to their proposition.

"Alright Illyria, you win. You can use the power source to strengthen yourself as long as we can come to an agreement. You can have any dimension you want but we get earth. It's been a long time battle of good vs evil and it only makes sense that the original players win the game. What do you say?" The second SP said.

"What do I say? Hmmm....what do I say?" Illyria tapped what must have been her chin with a claw.

Suddenly without any warning, she thrust three of her tentacles into the power source that kept the SP's alive or whatever version of it while at the same time she harpooned all three of them with her claws where they couldn't move. Using the motion of suction she sucked their energy back into the power source as they screamed and tried to get away. The robed figures meanwhile, tried to intercept as the slayers and Willow started to roast them in place.

As the Senior Partners started to disintegrate before everyone's eyes, the power source was overloading and light was shooting every which way. The ground started to shake as a roar of cataclysmic proportions emanated from the power source.

"We have to get out of here!" Buffy yelled at everyone as Angel grabbed Lorne again.

"This dimension is about to self-destruct if we don't get out of here, we will be trapped in the blast zone!" Faith yelled back.

"Willow, quick create a portal and get us out of here....NOW!" Buffy screamed toward her as she struggled to keep steady. The shaking was the worst she's ever felt as Buffy and the rest of the gang tried to put themselves as far from the blast zone as possible.

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