Ch. 1 ~ Regroup

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  • Dedicated to Crissy Alaimo

"Spike: And in terms of a plan?

Angel: We fight.

Spike: Bit more specific?

Angel: Well, personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon. Let's go to work."

            As Angel picked up his sword to swing, he heard a lot of shuffling behind him. They were surrounded, damn it! This was not what he had anticipated. But then again, they were going against the Senior Partners so anything went. Slowly, very slowly, he and the others turned around....

"Need some help?" She said with a twinkle in her eye and a confident smile on her face.


            She stood there with scythe in hand and she wasn't alone. Next to her stood Faith on one side and Willow on the other; behind them were women.....lots of women. The slayers. The ones Willow had awakened with the power of the scythe when they were fighting The First. They had come to help their friends in their time of need. Time to quickly regroup and attack. As Illyria was their strongest warrior (besides Willow) she went first and incinerated a whole slew of demons. Buffy started giving out orders:

"Will, seems one is injured, can you heal him and keep some of the group around him, he is human. The rest of you take flanking positions! Stay sharp, we need to kill all of these demons before they drag this whole dimension into hell with them. Vacation time's over, let's see what you're made of!"

            She then walked up to Angel and saw Spike watching her. She knew of his resurrection from both Andrew and their trip to Italy so she smiled at them both but before they could say anything, she said:

"Let's kick some demon ass then we can catch up, ok?" Faith smirked.

"Yeah man, this lovey dovey shit ain't gonna work with the monster squad about to get us! Let's do this thing!"

"Works for me." Spike said and he stood next to Faith as they took on their first round of demons and monsters.

"Just like old times?" Angel asked Buffy with his sexy half smile, she cocked her head at him and readied her scythe as he did his sword.

"With us? Always." She said and the two of them ran together into the fray.

            The Senior Partners weren't holding back but neither were the champions. Now with the slayers and Willow in the mix, the battle was more even keeled. Not that the worst thunderstorm in LA let up much. All that was heard for hours on end was slicing and dicing. It would be a while before the real casualty count was visible. Though the demon army was strong and powerful, it was still no match for a bunch of regimented slayers.

            That didn't however mean that there weren't casualties, a lot of the newer slayers were felled early on as well as Rona who was trying to be in too many places at once. Rona was one of the original slayers from the war with The First. But as this battle continued no one stopped to mourn. Slayers had expiration dates just like everyone else; though theirs were often before the age of 25.

            After restoring Gunn to fighting condition and healing his wound that he received while fighting with the vampires belonging to the senator, Willow torched the giant walking Godzilla and close to 30,000 monster demons that looked like they were part of Xerxies army from the movie The 300. Her hair only turned slightly black but no veins this time. She was able to maintain control even though she went into total killer mode. She knew what was needed of her in order for all of them to survive.

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