Ch. 4 ~ Settling In

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Illyria woke up on the floor as the sun was shining through the tempered glass in the greenhouse. It took her a few moments to remember where she was. She sat up and looked around. All was quiet. She slowly got up and looked around again as the memories of the past few days hit her all at once. She had to shake her head. She knew she was alone then but she hadn't been before. Someone had been in to see her. The smell was familiar; at least one of them was. It was Spike and one of those slayers. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept lying down. It must have been from the change in molecules when The Goddess separated Winifred Burkle from her.

She slowly made her way towards the door of the greenhouse and opened it. The sun was brighter than she had ever imagined it to be. It made her squint. She heard noises coming from the right side of her and she turned to see what they were. There about 100 yards in front of her, she saw the slayers in rows, going over exercises with the dark haired slayer. She watched them intently for a few moments and then walked toward them with jerky movements. She still wasn't fluid with walking like she used to be. She hoped it was a temporary thing.

As the slayers became aware of her presence, they stopped what they were doing and just stared at her. Illyria was very uncomfortable with all of the staring. They looked upon her not with fear but with distrust. She was an unknown factor, someone who shouldn't have been there in the first place. Faith looked at her then and asked:

"Illyria is it? You lookin for someone?"

"I...I....don't know what my purpose is here. Where do I go?" Illyria said jerkily.

"I can't answer that for you. Maybe you need to speak to Angel about that when he wakes up or...." Illyria cut her off.

"Wesley; I need to speak with Wesley. He will tell me what I have to do."

"I don't think that's such a hot idea. You remember what The Goddess said, you can't rely on Wes' help anymore. Besides, he's with Fred now. I doubt either of them would want to see you right now." Faith said taking a step forward.

"I don't care what you think! I must see Wesley!" Illyria said forcefully and walked toward the direction of the hospital without waiting for a reply. Faith took out her cellphone and dialed a number then.

Illyria walked with purpose towards the hospital and into it. She used Wesley's scent to find him. The hospital was sizable and getting lost was very easy. Just as she was about to turn left to go down the hall:

"What are you doing here, Illyria?" Wes asked her from behind as she whirled around.

"I'm looking for you."


"Because you promised you would help me understand this world."

"That was then, things have changed. Besides, you know all there is to know about the world now. Live one day at a time." He said, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning.

"Is it because she's back? Winifred Burkle."


"This world is different than the one from the Wolf, the Ram, and the Heart. These slayers and everything they are and fight. I know nothing of it. There is nothing evil here. I need to know what my purpose is. What am I needed for? Only you can tell me that." She explained staring at him with her blue unblinking eyes.

"Honestly, I do not know. This base is new to us all and the best I can tell you is to go explore, find out everything you can about this base including the underground tunnels. Maybe by knowing that, it can help us all in the future. Do what you do best, Illyria. Find answers to questions."

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