(Bonus Chapter) The Wedding & A Little Bit More

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Everything was set. 3.5 years almost to the day that they got engaged, Buffy and Angel were getting married. They waited as long as they did not because they had to but because they wanted to. Dawn had graduated with honors from Stanford as had Connor the year before her. She had been away in England studying under Giles and Connor had joined her. They were very serious in their relationship but taking things very slowly. Willow, Tara, Faith, and Buffy graduated from their respective universities with their varying bachelor degrees. At least they could all finally close the book on that chapter as well. In the future, if Willow wanted to go for a higher degree, she could do it online.

Fred and Wes were engaged and were going to get married 7 months after Buffy and Angel, and Tara and Willow already were. They had gotten hitched about a year after Tara had been returned to the fold by The Goddess. Neither woman wanted a big wedding. They went into LA to get their marriage license, and the ceremony was performed at Lorne's Bar which was dressed up for the occasion. Willow took Tara's name as hers was too long.

Now everyone was preparing for the biggest celebration as Buffy and Angel were finally going to make it official. With the help of the special agency that owned the base, Angel was able to get papers and a passport for himself. He added the last name of Liamson to pay homage to his human first name, and upon marriage, Buffy would take his name as well. Not being Buffy Summers after the wedding, gave her a bit more anonymity and peace. The happy pair would also be going to Ireland on their honeymoon so they could look at all of the places where Angel used to live in his human time putting to rest the hardships too. They were doing everything right, by making peace with every portion of their pasts as they were building their future together.

The Goddess was going to perform the ceremony, Giles would walk Buffy down the aisle as he promised, and everything was being done in October so that it wouldn't be too hot outside. A tent would be put up next to the ceremony location, and there would be enough shade so Spike wouldn't fry either. He and Illyria were still going strong as were all of the other couples. The wedding party consisted of Dawn as maid of honor with Willow, Tara, and Faith as bridesmaids and Connor as best man with Lorne, Gunn, and Wes as groomsmen.

Dawn and Connor flew in early as had Giles and Jenny Calendar. Everyone else would arrive the day before the wedding. All of the girls except Illyria went with Buffy to shop for wedding and bridesmaids dresses. The men had it easy, all they had to do was rent tuxes. Because Buffy did a lot of errands when they had finally nailed down the date, it didn't take long for everything to be picked out as well as the cake which would be multi-tiered in white but with the Claddagh on it (All pictures of that special day are below and their wedding song is up top).

The day before the wedding, they had a slayer version of a rehearsal dinner. The slayers living on the base were busy setting up the tent and decorations as well as the ceremony location. The rest of the gang spent time first picking up the rest of the Scooby crew from the airport with the big, sleek, black bus so there wouldn't be multiple trips as people came in at different times from different countries. Illyria volunteered to play driver while the others were at Lorne's Place getting ready for the shindig/hoot-nanny.

Buffy squealed when Xander finally arrived with Anya and Andrew.

"You made it! How was your flight?" She said after squeezing the life out of the first two and smiling at Andrew.

"Oof, easy there, Buff; I actually still appreciate the rest of my body parts!" Xander grumbled, wincing after Buffy's bear hug. He had just gained a body shape when Willow nailed him with one too, followed by Dawn.

When he was sure that his lungs were sufficiently relocated to his stomach, Giles rescued him and led him over to where the food was. Anya was ogling over the wedding rings of Tara and Willow in the meantime and was hinting that she and Xander were going to finally take that plunge themselves to the delight of all of the women.

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