Ch. 2 ~ Resurrection Blvd

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  • Dedicated to Andrea Albin

Everyone gasped as the room filled with the unnatural glow. Angel and Spike along with Illyria got their weapons ready to attack. The glow subsided to reveal a very heavenly looking female. She smiled at Buffy and Willow, who quickly jumped in front of the two spooked vampires.

"No wait!'s alright." Buffy stammered with her arms out.

"Put your weapons down, it's The Goddess!" Willow said with a smile.

"The who now?" Spike asked skeptically.

"The Goddess. She's on our side." Buffy said.

"She's dope, y'all for real." Faith confirmed.

"Have you all been brainwashed? We've had a goddess that wanted to bring happiness to the world; her name was Jasmine. She was a horrid creature and she killed Cordy." Angel said not buying it.

"Ah yes, the ruler of the beast, you named her Jasmine." The Goddess said nodding her head.

"You know about her?" Gunn asked.

"I know all. It's because of me Angel is still here. Why? Who did you think returned you back to earth from the hell dimension Buffy sent you to after you lost your soul and threatened to end the world?" The Goddess smiled. There was a stunned silence as Angel lowered his sword.

"That wa-was you? I thought it was the Powers That Be?" Angel said as The Goddess laughed.

"They do my bidding. They are my messengers, you see. Buffy and a few other slayers have only been privy to my presence because of the wars they have won. Battling The First was when I decided I would finally show who I am to them. After all, it was my guardians that first forged the scythe she uses as a weapon. There must be balance in the universe; just like there is The First Evil, there also has to be a force of good. That would be me." The Goddess explained.

At this point, Angel and Spike put their swords down as they started to digest what they had just heard. It was a lot to take in but it also meant that there was no longer any guess work about what the all-powerful good looked like. The Senior Partners were still very invisible and probably pretty ugly looking but that didn't matter. They fought for the side of good. And winning this battle against the Senior Partners won them an audience with the highest being of all; The Goddess. But there was more, Angel realized; when Faith mentioned Resurrection Blvd and the warehouse standing on it, is when The Goddess appeared and said something about it being convenient.

"Seems Angel has gotten a hint about something I said. Other than meeting these champions, I have come to give a gift to you all. You deserve it; them really. Time to right the wrongs that were brought upon you all and your loved ones. I will start with taking your deceased up with me and giving them a proper burial and entrance to where they belong." She said cryptically before she waved a hand and the dead slayers started to glow and levitate. Then just like that, they disappeared.

"You will give their bodies back to their parents and take care of their souls?" Willow asked as The Goddess nodded with a soft kind smile.

"Now who are we missing?" She said and with a clap that sounded a little like thunder, Giles, Dawn, and Xander appeared out of thin air.

"Holy warehouse! You can give a fellow a heart attack that way!" Xander exclaimed clutching his hand over his heart.

"Buffy! You're alright!" Dawn ran into Buffy's arms as the two sisters hugged.

"Of course Dawn. As you can see, everyone is." Buffy said with a soft smile.

"But why am I here? And Xander? And Giles?" Dawn fired off question after question before noticing Spike and with a gasp running to him and hugging him. He awkwardly at first and then with much more affection hugged her back and smirked at Angel.

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