Ch. 9 ~ Scar Face

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Buffy was tossing and turning in her bed that night; she was restless and just couldn't sleep well. Her hair was matted to her head as she seemed to be mumbling something. All of a sudden she bolted awake and sat up. Her eyes landed on the dark figure in the corner of her bedroom. Angel stood there watching her.

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked him.

"Long enough to see you aren't sleeping well." He answered, his lips barely moving, his gaze worried.

"Why are you here? I-I mean shouldn't you be...I don't know...doing something vampirey?" She stammered blowing the hair out of her face as he gave her a half smile.

"This is something vampirey. Look I wasn't...I mean I didn't plan to come up here, I was out for a walk and saw your window open and well, I guess old habits die hard. I just wanted to make sure you were resting."

"Right." She said and sighed remembering him coming up to her window in Sunnydale and them spending time together that way.

He then walked closer as she watched him and wordlessly sat on the bed and put his arm around her as they both lay down. As she lay curled up against him, she recalled how many times they had fallen asleep just like that and she never felt safer. All of a sudden, her headache, her confusion, and restlessness eased and she was breathing evenly as he listened to her heart beat against his chest. He was very glad he had decided to check on her. This felt as natural as it ever did; this way he never wanted to let her go.

Meanwhile, the rest of the base-as it was after 1am-was quiet and the perfect visual for the 3 pairs of binoculars that were watching the place from up on some rocks. Three men were perched up there side by side on their stomachs as they surveyed the base. They wore all black and didn't move as they scanned every inch of the base. Suddenly the one on the right said:

"Shit! We've been spotted."

"What? Where?" The one in the middle said. They all trained their binoculars in the same direction to see someone or something watching them from inside the base. She looked at them with contempt.

"What is that? A demon? How could she spot us?" In a blur that was too fast for them to follow she was right behind them before they could move.

"No, I'm an Old One and you are stupid humans." Illyria said before knocking all three of them unconscious.

Just as Buffy was starting to dream, an alarm went off that could wake up the dead and she bolted upright again. Even Angel cringed.

"What is that?" He said wincing.

"The green alarm; a possible intrusion." Buffy said grabbing her clothes and hastily putting them on as the two of them hurried from the room, joining Willow, Tara, and Faith. All of whom had their hands over their ears.

"Damn B, could we change this thing to something different?" Faith said with her hands still around her ears.

"It's an alarm Faith, not a Christmas Carol." Buffy said.

"Faith's right though,'s worse than our orange alarm and that's more up on the food chain of alarms." Willow said.

"See? I'm not the only one who feels like my brain is being drilled." Faith said as Buffy sighed.

"Alright, I'll see what we can do. Right now let's see what set the thing off in the first place and then turn it off." Everyone nodded as they headed outside to see something extraordinary. Illyria was carrying three human men who were obviously unconscious.

"They were spying on us from those rocks; I didn't kill them because I knew they could provide you with information." Illyria said as she threw them down.

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