Ch. 5 ~ Road Trip

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It was another few days before the tinted vans arrived, as the others watched 3 of them being driven onto the base then come to a stop as 3 what looked like soldiers got out. Buffy signed some papers then directed them to 3 older vans that were parked on the far edge of the base. The swap was complete and the 3 older vans were driven away. Faith later explained that the swap was necessary and the vans that were taken away had started breaking down and were just a hazard so the ones they had gotten weren't just vampire fry proof but also brand new to carry other team members around. After those things were settled, it was time to discharge Fred from the hospital.

While Wes was getting their portion of the house ready for her, she was in the hospital room getting to know Tara. They found that they had a lot in common and proclaimed themselves proud nerds though of different subject matters. Fred promised to show Tara some of her scientific methods if Tara promised to teach her some simple magic tricks. Since being resurrected, the all-powerful Willow was helping Tarah get her powers back as well. The first full day at the base, they started slow by having her float a pencil reminding them both of their college days.

Wes was just about to walk into the room when he saw Tara showing the floating pencil trick to Fred and decided to hang back to see how they were getting along.

"Oh wow Tara, that's so cool!" Fred exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, Will had me start off with the basics. I mean I can never be an all mighty witch like her especially....not know....but it'll be good to remember my basics." Tara said with a half-smile.

"Can your floating pencil do something else?"

"L-like what?"

"Oh I don't know write something perhaps?" Fred asked eagerly and held out a notebook she'd been doodling on.

"Ok, let's see what we can do here." Tara concentrated on the pencil as it floated to Fred's notebook as both ladies watched. It then slowly scrolled "Hello Fred. How are you?" across the page. Then Tara made the pencil dance which caused them both to giggle when it finally came to rest in Fred's hand.

"I like my new floating friend."

"You should give him a name." Tara said confidently as the nurses started walking in and unhooking Fred from the machines getting her ready to go home. Tara was trying to keep Fred from getting nervous.

"G-give my pencil a name?"

"Yeah why not? So every time you want him, he'll come flying to you." Tara moved out of the way as the nurses dressed Fred in sweats provided by the hospital.

"But that's only when you're around or Willow. I-I can't make him fly."

"That's not a problem; watch this." Tara then took out a little baggie of dust out of her pocket and chanted something as she sprinkled the pencil with the dust that looked sparkly.

"What did you do?" Fred asked puzzled as Tara smiled.

"I made your pencil belong to you and follow orders. Now give him a name and something to do, l-like give him a command."

"Really?" Fred said crinkling her nose just the way Wes liked it as he watched the exchange only turning away when the nurses helped Fred get dressed. Tara nodded.

" about Houdini? Is that a silly name?"

"No not at all."

"Ok....uhhh.....Houdini.....please go find Wesley." She ordered the pencil hesitantly and watched in amazement as it zipped out of the room and stopped in the hallway right outside. Wes then showed himself and waved at everyone.

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