Ch. 15 ~ My Destiny is You

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"My destiny is you, Buffy." Angel said looking straight into Buffy's eyes as hers filled with tears. The others just looked on.

"It has been from the first time I laid my eyes on you when you were called to be a slayer back at Hemrey High here in LA. I fell in love with you then but I also knew that no matter what we faced, we would always come out on top...together. Going back to first meeting you in the alley to our friendship and then later relationship; when we nearly lost everything when I lost my soul. I don't blame you for killing me, it's what you had to do and The Goddess bringing me back was all part of that destiny."

"You were also right about breaking up and leaving me. Granted you were a 'maxi jerk person' for doing it before the senior prom. But you were right. I needed to grow and do so away from you." Buffy said also looking at Willow who smiled at her because that was the phrase that she used to describe Angel for breaking up with Buffy right before the prom.

"Your years in college and being with other people; all of that just made you stronger as a person not just a slayer, Buffy. I too grew and matured here in LA if that's possible for a vampire. Having a son really shifted my focus." He said looking at Connor who was standing next to Dawn.

"Everything that happened after that, you dying and then coming back to life and then fighting the ultimate fight and going around the world to train other slayers. You had a mission but your heart grew and you came closer to being 'cookies'. Every little thing we both did brought us closer to this day. And now we are here." He took a deep breath then.

Before Buffy or anyone knew what was happening, Angel got down on one knee took something out of his pocket. He then opened his hand and in the palm of his hand was a Claddagh Ring. Tears spilled out of Buffy's eyes as many other sniffles were heard around the room and The Goddess was smiling.

"The first one I gave you back in the beginning was silver. This one is gold because I wanted to tie you to me in every way possible. There never was or will be anyone that I will love as much as I love you. Just the way it is. Buffy, you're the one. My love, my destiny and I never want to be without you again. Now that I have the opportunity to be what you ultimately need and hopefully still want, we can have that cheesy fairytale ending." He added to little giggles from everyone including a snort from Spike and Connor. Then he corrected himself.

"No let me rephrase....not ending but beginning. Our beginning together. Not right away but eventually when you're ready, I want to make you my wife. Buffy Anne Summers; will you marry me?"

"Please say yes, otherwise he'll never stop singing 'Mandy'!" Lorne pleaded as the tension went out of the room and people started laughing. Buffy laughed with them but her eyes never left Angel's. She couldn't believe her dream had come true. And she nodded at him.


"Yes???????" He asked shocked like he couldn't believe she would actually accept his proposal.

"Duh! She said yes! Put the damn ring on already!" Dawn said rolling her eyes as tears came out of her own eyes.

Angel didn't question it again but placed the ring on her left ring finger this time; with the heart facing out meaning they were engaged. Then he grabbed her as she sobbed and kissed her hard as everyone broke into cheers and applause. All of a sudden it seemed like there were more people in the room because there were. The Goddess brought Giles, Jenny, Xander, Anya, Andrew, Vi, Kennedy, Robin, and Oz from their respective bases and they joined in the applause and the cheers.

As the group congratulated them both, Angel told The Goddess that he was ready and she floated to him and enveloped him in her white light. If before when his soul was returned to him, his eyes glowed gold, now they were glowing stark white as his soul was cemented into its rightful place and the curse was lifted and the prophecy was fulfilled. Something dark left him which The Goddess explained was his vampire self. He was now like Connor only with the same strength as he had before and possibly a little bit more. No more "bumpies" or drinking blood or afraid of stakes or such.

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