Ch. 6 ~ Alone Time

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  • Dedicated to Kasandra Mendez

Angel was just opening his eyes after his long sleep when a knock sounded on his apartment door. He got out of bed and shuffled toward the door. He was bare-chested and since he didn't know who was on the other side, he pulled a t-shirt on just in case. He always slept in pajama bottoms so he didn't have to worry about that aspect of things. He opened the door and there stood Buffy holding a big box and also carrying a plastic bag. By the smell of it, the box contained blood and the bag some Chinese food.

"Hi, did I wake you?" She asked with a small frown.

"Ah, no I was already up." He said taking the big cardboard box from her.

"I brought you some fresh blood that was just delivered and figured we could have lunch together. Chinese food for me." She said with a small smile as he invited her in.

"You didn't have to bring the blood over; I could have gotten it myself from the store."

"I know. I wanted to. With everything going on, I feel we haven't had any alone time to just talk and catch up." She said with a shrug as she sat her food down on the kitchen table and started taking it out of the bag.

"How are you feeling? I mean you're in charge of this huge operation that must weigh heavily on you." Angel asked as he put most of the blood away in his stainless steel fridge, leaving some out for a quick meal.

"It's not easy. I mean I'm all for delegation of jobs and such but at the end of the day, I end up with a headache. My prophetic dreams have been more frequent lately. Something is coming, something big but I don't know what." She replied sitting down at the table as Angel joined her.

Buffy closed her eyes and started rubbing her temples and sighing. Seemed like she was having another headache. Angel got up from his side of the table and walked over to her; he sat down next to her and reached up with his hands to replace hers at her temples as she opened her eyes. Their faces were inches apart. Softly, very softly, Angel leaned in and kissed her. It didn't take long for the kiss to become a passionate one. When Buffy finally broke it off, she was breathing hard and Angel was smiling at her.

"Better?" He asked with a half-smile.

"Hmmm....a bit....maybe we should try that again?" Buffy said mischievously.

This time there wasn't any hesitation or softness in their kiss, it was powerful and full of emotion. The eternal love that they shared swirled around them. Buffy's headache vanished as she concentrated on the man she loved and always would. There weren't any thoughts about how they would or wouldn't work out in the future, there was just the now. And what else really mattered? This time when they stopped, Buffy smiled.

"Well now I know where to go when I have a headache. All better." Angel kissed the tip of her nose and motioned for her to eat.

"You can come to me anytime. Headache or not; I've missed you Buffy." He said quietly as she touched his cheek with her hand.

"I've missed you too. There's so much I want to know but I don't know where to start." She said as she put a fork full of Chinese food into her mouth and chewed slowly.

"You know you can ask me anything." Angel said quietly as he poured himself a cup of blood and sat next to Buffy again.

"Well let's start with Connor. The Goddess showed me or us everything about him, including how you and Darla.....and how he was well as his abduction into the demon dimension." She said softly looking down.

"Yes, so you know everything."

"I do but I need to know and if you feel uncomfortable, feel free not to answer. I really don't want to pry." She said wringing her hands as Angel took them into his own.

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