Chapter Twelve

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(Y/N)'s eyes flutter open. She's in one of the back corners of the cave, as far as she can possibly be from the others.

As if I can escape from what I have to do simply by moving away from it, she thinks in scorn at her own ridiculous behavior. She sits up, looking over at the others. Namely at Thorin. Her target. The one she has to kill. She frowns.

As unfortunate as it is, there's no getting away from this, she thinks sorrowfully. It's inescapable.

Standing up, she looks around. From where she is, there doesn't look to be anyone awake. Heaving a somber sigh, she makes up her mind.

I won't get a chance like this again, she thinks. Best get it over with as soon as humanly possible, even if... even if they'll all hate, me after I've done what I must, it'll all be worth it. I hope.

Breaking out of her thoughts, she reluctantly draws her elvish blade and begins making her way across the cave. Time seems to pass so much more slowly as she cautiously steps around the sleeping members of her company, in the direction of her 'target.' It's almost painfully slow.

But she's only about two-thirds of the way across the cave when she hears a voice coming from her left.

"(Y/N)?" Bofur asks in horror. (Y/N) cringes. How could I have been so stupid? I forgot that Bofur was taking watch! she thinks. Slowly, she turns around to face the dwarf. Shock is visible on his face, and she sheaths her blade nervously.

"I promise, it's not what it looks like," she says, panicked. Bofur looks from her sheathed blade to Thorin and back again multiple times.

"We trusted you!" he exclaims. (Y/N) winces.

"Yes, I know, and I'm truly sorry! Just please, let me explain," she pleads. Around them, the others are starting to wake up, and her eyes flick around the room to each member of the company.

Suddenly, she hears a sound alike to hissing. She freezes, and a few others seem to do so too, straining to hear the sound, if only to know what it means. Looking down, she sees that sand is rushing down through newly formed cracks in the cave floor. Not only that, but she notices a glow coming from her sheathed blade.

Oh no... she thinks.

"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin shouts, seeming to be fully awake. Was he awake the whole time? I must have been too caught up in my thoughts to notice, she thinks in frustration.

She doesn't, however, have any further time left to think, as the floor suddenly falls out beneath them, and everyone tumbles down into darkness. As they fall down the chasm, sharp stone scrapes against her. She winces at a searing pain in her left arm and starts to feel blood flowing from the new gash.

Suddenly, they stop falling and land hard in a crudely made metal cage with no top, and one side open. Several of the Dwarves land on top of her, and she groans in agony as one of them lands on her wounded arm. She tries to partially get up, but regrets it, as she sees a swarm of goblins rushing towards them.

Everyone suddenly stands up, in an attempt to fight off the creatures. (Y/N) attempts to stand up as well, but keeps getting pushed down by the swathes of goblins.

I guess I'll just lie here and die, she thinks hopelessly. Before long the group is subdued by the goblins and taken away. Except... the goblins seem to forget her.

Well, that's some dumb luck if I've ever seen it, she thinks wryly. A slight smirk appears on her face, before immediately being replaced with a frown. What should I do? I'm in this unknown place, injured, and the company knows of my mission, or at least, Bofur does, and he only really knows what it means I must do. I'm almost undoubtedly screwed. I won't be able to save Annabelle. I've failed.

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