Chapter Eleven

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(Y/N) struggles against the howling wind and pouring rain in an attempt to stay on the narrow path carved in the cliffside. The sound of thunder fills her ears.

It's been several days since their departing of Rivendell, and it'd be hard to say that even a single one had been easy. Still, those rough days of travel had been better than this.

Does the path really have to be so slippery? And... wet? she thinks, nearly slipping in a number of spots.

"Alright, hold on!" Thorin shouts back to the group over his shoulder. The wind is howling so loud that his voice is hardly audible.

As if that comment is very helpful anyways, she thinks. I do believe we already know to 'hold on'.

Conveniently enough, right as she thinks this, the rock beneath her gives out, and she finds herself skidding downwards, toward a drop that will, more likely than not, kill her.

She hardly has time to squeak in surprise before the dwarves she'd been walking next to hoist her back onto the path.

"Thanks," she breathes. They don't respond, but she takes it as a "You're welcome."

When will I ever stop owing these dwarves, she thinks in frustration. If they keep helping me, I'll never be able to bring myself to kill their leader! I've just gotta get it over with as soon as I can... if I stall any longer, I'll never manage to go through with it.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin shouts from his point at the front of the group. She finds herself feeling bad already for things she hasn't even done yet.

"Look out!" she hears Dwalin shout from behind her. She looks up to see that a massive boulder is hurling towards the cliff face above them. Once it makes contact, the rock, as well as a large portion of that cliff, tumble down in their direction.

She leans in tight against the side of the cliff, everyone else doing the same.

We're going to die here! I won't be able to save Annabelle! she thinks in a panic, clinging to the cliff for dear life.

"Hold on!" one of the Dwarves shouts. Bifur, she's 90% sure.

Oh, what a helpful comment, she thinks sarcastically before returning to her panicking. After a few seconds, the crumbled chunks of rock fall past them, and into the canyon below.

"This is no thunderstorm! It's a thunder-battle! Look!" Balin shouts, gesturing to a point out in the canyon. (Y/N) squints, trying the best she can to see what he's talking about. In but a moment, an enormous stone figure comes into view. It picks up a rock, and throws it past them, at another of the creatures that's appeared out of thin air.

"Well bless me. The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!" Bofur exclaims. (Y/N) can't recall hearing any such legend, but decides to take his word for it. Everyone stands there for a moment, so filled with astoundment that they can't seem to comprehend the danger of the situation.

"Take cover, you fool!" Thorin shouts, seemingly directed to everyone at once.

"Hold on!" Nori shouts. Almost simultaneously, everyone backs up to the cliff behind them, (Y/N) included. This doesn't do them much good, however, as the cliff starts to separate between Fili and Kili a little ways up the path.

"Kili, grab my hand!" Fili shouts. Just as he says this though, the cliff sections fully separate. Frantically, (Y/N) tries to figure out what to do.

There's nothing I can do, she realizes. Not against forces such as these. Upon this realization, a sort of panic sets in. But all she can do is stand there, unless she wants to run the risk of accidentally pushing someone else off the cliff.

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