Chapter Four

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(Y/N) leans against the mostly charred inner wall of the old farmhouse, zoning out into the forest. Once she snaps out of her trance, she notices a few of the Dwarves looking at her. She hardly keeps from glaring at them, and instead proceeds to ignore them.

After a minute or so she feels the stares go away, and relaxes a little. She stays like that for a moment, trying to forget her messed up situation; the peril that her sister is in, and what she must do to save her.

If she's even still alive. I wouldn't put lying past the Pale Orc, she thinks, a small frown forming on her face. With where her mind is at, she doesn't even think to hide her frown.

(Y/N) feels eyes on her once again, and her head shoots up, at that moment wanting badly to yell at someone, whether they're looking at her or not.

However, when she notices exactly who's looking at her, she blushes slightly for reasons unknown to herself, and looks away. Though once her eyes met his, Oakenshield had promptly looked back at his soup bowl.

Before (Y/N) even has a chance to try and retreat back to her thoughts, Bofur hands her two bowls of soup.

"Do us a favor and take these to the lads," the Dwarf says, gesturing to the part of the forest where Fili and Kili had brought the horses before moving back toward his cauldron of not-so-appetizing looking soup.

(Y/N) lets out a quiet but not inaudible sigh, and walks with the bowls in the direction of where Bofur had gestured. About halfway to the trees she feels eyes on her back again. She doesn't bother turning around; she already knows who it is.

Once (Y/N) finally reaches the trees, she relaxes slightly.

I'm not sure if Oakenshield has figured out my mission or something, but that felt... uncomfortable, she thinks, trying to make sense of the wave of emotions that just swept over her. Ultimately, she just decides to be a little more cautious around him.

If he were to find out of my mission, Annabelle would be as good as dead, she thinks before weaving her way through the woods.

Before long she reaches Fili and Kili, who are just standing and staring at the ponies, and offers them their bowls. When neither of the brothers take their bowl, she rolls her eyes in exasperation and clears her throat.

When they still don't take their bowls, she frowns.

"Is anything the matter?" she asks, trying without success not to sound as annoyed as she feels.

"We're supposed to be looking after the ponies," Kili says, ignoring the tone of her voice and still not taking his bowl.

"Only we've encountered a slight problem," Fili says, giving her a brief glance.

"We had sixteen."

"Now there's fourteen."

(Y/N)'s frown deepens ever so slightly.

"Well. That is a problem."


"Daisy and Bungle are missing," Kili says as the three walk through the cluster of ponies.

"Well, that's not good. Shouldn't we tell someone?" (Y/N) asks, still holding the bowls of soup.

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