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Full Name: ahn min-jun Age: 17 Gender: male Birthday: 12th of march Currently living in: gurim, south korea Ethnicity: korean Occupation: student Sexual Orientation: bisexual Height: 166cm / 5'4" Weight: 120lb Hair colour: black Eye colour: dark brown Any physical illnesses?: n/a Any mental illnesses?: n/a Take drugs?: no Smoke?: no Likes: sanrio, cats, cartoons, music Dislikes: loud noises, socialising Fears / Phobias: dogs Piercings: n/a Tattoos: n/a Build: slim Scars: small scar on arm from dog bite
Food: orion chocolate mushrooms Colour: yellow Animal: cats Holiday: christmas Season: winter Time of day: evening Movie: my neighbour totoro Song: twillight - like a movie Genre of shows: cartoon Genre of movies:animated