57: nintendo

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Minjun was surprised to find that when he awoke the day after the festival, he could barely lift his head from the pillow. His eyes prickled in the afternoon sunlight. Grunting softly, Minjun rolled until he deemed himself satisfied with his face stuffed into the pillow and his arm fastened around one of the few plushies dotted around.

He could have drifted back into a well-needed slumber if it weren't for the disorderly clatter of his bedroom door being launched open.

"Wake up, sleepyhead-" Minjun recognised Seokjin's voice immediately "you missed breakfast, and I'm not letting you miss lunch."

The youngest grunted once more, expecting the bed to swallow him up. He flipped himself over to reveal his scowl to Jin in the hopes that it would persuade him to leave the dozy boy. It was then that memories of the night before came back to Minjun, and he looked down to his lap with a red face.

Seokjin chuckled, "I haven't told anyone what I saw on the balcony last night, don't worry," and then he stepped over to the humiliated boy and kissed his head just like he had the night prior, "but, it's time to get up."

He proceeded to help Minjun up by yanking on his arms. He made a tantalising joke about helping the boy undress, and it was enough to wake Minjun up. The boy kicked Seokjin out of his bedroom and fixed himself up into a t-shirt belonging to Taehyung and a pair of black sweatpants.

He left his bedroom and slyly wandered into the living room, where he found a noisy Jimin jumping in merriment beside a sorrowful Taehyung. A glimpse at the TV told Minjun all he needed to know, giggling at the celebration display on the video game.

"Good afternoon," Jimin said, coughing out his titters.

Minjun smiled at the elder and found himself frantically evading eye contact with Taehyung. He accidentally gave in, eventually, and fought back a raging blush. Opportunely, Jin noticed Minjun's presence and loped towards the boy, swooping him from his feet and onto the taller's back.

Minjun yelped, "let me down!"

"Only if you beat me in Mario Kart."

"How am I supposed to play if I'm up here?" Asked Minjun as he hit his fist gently against the crown of Seokjin's head.

Jin sat on the couch beside Taehyung, squishing Minjun like an unfortunate bug. He scrambled around, squealing, "get off!"

"Oh, sorry, Squirt," gasped Seokjin, "I didn't see you there!"

Minjun pouted at the eldest and settled himself on Taehyung's lap, hoping that the gambler didn't feel as awkward about it as he did. He waited for some form of uncomfortable shift, but all Minjun felt was two arms cuddling around his torso.

Seokjin handed Minjun one of the Nintendo Switch controllers and sat down on the sofa again. He chose Yoshi, and Minjun chose Link. For some cruel reason, Seokjin elected Rainbow Road as their course.

In the end, it turned out that Minjun was better than Seokjin could have imagined, considering the boy had never played video games on a Switch before. The eldest didn't hide his semi-genuine frown when Minjun did a celebratory dance in front of him before dashing away.

He did, nevertheless, spring off of the couch to chase after him.

He tracked him past a snogging Namjoon and Yoongi, past a dormant Jungkook, over a sunbathing Jimin, and into an unexpecting Hoseok. The mechanic caught Minjun with a loud huff, shock visible in his widened eyes.

"No!" Minjun shrieked, "hide me, Hobi!"

All Hoseok could do at the moment was stand in front of Minjun, a mix of anxiety and playfulness playing on his lips as Seokjin caught up to them. It didn't take long for the young boy to be taken into his boyfriend's arms once again.

 It didn't take long for the young boy to be taken into his boyfriend's arms once again

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Minjun concentrated hard on the task he was entrusted with. His fingers clutched the knife's grasp so hard that his palm was trickling a droplet or two of sweat. The beef was tumbling off of the blade in long, dainty pieces. Each strip made his smile lift a little higher.

He even praised himself inaudibly from time to time.

Nearly finished with the marinated beef, Minjun was too focused to notice when a tickle of fingers skimmed beneath his shirt. It was when they settled on his naked waist that Minjun gave out a hiccup of surprise and dropped the knife.

"Hey-" Minjun craned his head to pout at Seokjin- "I could have cut myself." The elder was already watching Minjun, eyebrow raised at the shorter male. He lowered his head onto Minjun's shoulder, urging him to move his head back to face the front.

When he did, Seokjin kissed the fragile skin beneath his ear.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," whispered Seokjin as he pressed a few more in the area. Minjun leaned into the touch, humming infrequently at the delightful feeling. His fingers gripped the edge of the work surface and his eyes trembled shut uncontrollably.

Seokjin leeched his lips in an 'O' shape on the boy's skin, combining his teeth and tongue to leave a yellowish blemish on his neck. Minjun didn't know at the time and issued a short whine when he felt teeth grazing his skin.

In only a minute, Seokjin pulled his lips off of Minjun's neck, removing his warm hands from the silky-smooth skin of his abdomen. Immediately, Minjun twirled his body and gawked up at Jin with a frown.

"Why did you stop?" he lamented.

Seokjin reached around the slender boy and collected the chopping board, "time to cook!"

Seokjin reached around the slender boy and collected the chopping board, "time to cook!"

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