47: jungkook

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"Uh, hello-" Minjun terminated his knocking as Hyuna opened her bedroom door- "I was told to come here..."

The woman, with a sunny smile and an enthusiastic nod, hopped aside and allowed for the boy to walk in. Minjun clung to Molang, the cat not bothering to squirm as it revelled in the warmth that Seokjin's sweater produced. Inside Hyuna's room, like Namjoon had assured him before he left the boy outside, was Jessi and Jisoo.

It was to Minjun's luck that the Doberman wasn't with its babysitter.

"Hey, buddy," cooed an enthusiastic Jessi as Minjun slinked over to the sofa. He took a seat in the far corner, leaving enough room in case Hyuna returned and wanted a larger space.

Minjun gave a friendly greeting to the ladies and glared down at his cat with glassy, brownish eyes. The unfortunate boy didn't know whether to feel accomplished and ecstatic about the moment he'd had with Yoongi or saddened at the way he was immediately transferred to Hyuna's room.

Namjoon had left him with a reassuring smile, telling him, "it's okay, we just need to talk about some things."

Providentially, it wasn't quite dinnertime and the elder woman was in no way opposed to having Minjun's companionship.

"You're a quiet one," said Jisoo as she stretched across to pet Molang, "why don't you try telling us about you? I'm sure you know enough about us from the chattering at suppers."

He did. He knew that Hyuna was married to the other criminal, Dawn, and the two of them were trying for a baby. He had also caught one night that Jessi was conspiring to travel to Japan once this mission had been dismissed, to see Mount Fuji with her own eyes.

Jisoo, before the departure of Rosé and Jennie, was dreaming of producing music. He wasn't sure if the plans had broken, the look on her face masking the grief that was now imprinted in her brain. She and Lisa were coping, as far as Minjun could tell, but not enough to move on just yet.

Minjun blinked at the woman, not quite prepared to turn her down but at the same time feeling a sudden terror at the concept of talking. He was only met with three supportive smiles and a half-pint of strawberry milk from Hyuna.

He hummed, "I'm eighteen, uh, I like cats."

"Alright," Hyuna chuckled, "how about we ask simple questions? You don't seem to know what to say." Her comment was accompanied by the friendly giggling of Jessi and Jisso and Minjun produced a genuine smile at the informality. He nodded, hand slithering up to Molang's ears to give him a scratch.

"Where were you born?"

The slight shock that Minjun felt at the question fizzled as he remembered being introduced only as BTS' boyfriend.

He smiled bashfully and replied, "Gurim."

"That's quite far," Jessi remarked, "do you go back there often?"

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