59: sunshine

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"Hobi!" Minjun screeched, "Wa— Slow down, my legs are smaller than yours!"

The medic glanced back at Minjun but, with a joyous cackle, hurried his pace down the cobbled road. He readjusted his grip on the boy's sweat-soaked hand a few times and guided his body through common groups of shoppers in the town.

"Don't worry," he giggled, panting, "we're here"

Minjun was only relieved that he could once again breathe. He mindlessly followed his boyfriend into the building and sucked in a deep breath of coffee beans and pastry. It was silent in regards to the many people sitting at each table, notwithstanding the peaceful hum coming from a jukebox in the corner.

Minjun found that, as he walked towards the bar with his arm curled around Hoseok's, everyone sported headphones. If they didn't, they shared earbuds with a friend or a lover, each noiselessly bouncing their heads or their knees.

"We don't have to share," Hobi said as they waited their turn in the short queue, "but I don't know what music you like."

Minjun considered this, eyes aimlessly wandering the menu board, "I don't know either, so we can share- can I have a hot choco?"

Hoseok ordered them both the chocolatey concoction and they sat together in the far end of the cafe. Not many people could see them in this sheltered booth, garnished with posters and pennants of singers dead and alive.

"I'll get a tape," Hobi announced. He wriggled out of the chair and walked to a rack just a few steps away from their table. Minjun watched as he bounced on his feet gently, excitement coursing through him while scouring for music to show the boy. When he came back, he produced three tapes from his hands.

"The Beatles, Queen, and Metallica."

"I've heard of all of those," said Minjun with a pouty, snarky smile.

Hoseok scoffed, "I should hope so," and laughed when Minjun stuck his tongue out in protest, "come on, put the earbud in."

Hoseok fetched the cassette player - a transportable Walkman that had been somehow loosely affixed to the table - and inserted the Queen cassette.

The two sat across from each other, the earbud wire meeting in between them. Minjun smiled into his steaming mug as a comforting melody spilt through his head. Hoseok watched with fond eyes.

"I like it," Minjun said, "what's it called?"

Hoseok indicated to the case that the tape had been kept in, "cool cat."

Minjun's drink was down to its last dribble when Hoseok made the first indication of wanting to leave the cafe. A melancholic tune was blasting through them both, and Minjun was allowing himself to peacefully sway in his seat. Hoseok's eyes had been concentrated on the room for something short of ten minutes, and he had had enough.

"Hey," he stroked Minjun's shoulder to earn his attention, "We're going to go, be good now and finish up your drink."

He didn't mean for it to happen, but Minjun's cheeks darkened at Hoseok's words. He hid his face behind his drink, but Hoseok saw the rosiness coating his pale face and chuckled at the flustered boy. He began packing the cassettes away into their cases and turned his back to file them into the cabinet.

When he returned, a busty woman with minimal clothing had stolen his seat. He watched Minjun's eyes widen and frantically search for his own. She had settled her foot against Minjun's ankle, her hands crossed over in front of him on the table. She gazed at Minjun with a sensual smile on her lips.

"Does a girl like me have to be the one to ask your number? Or are you going to ask me out first?"

Minjun looked at Hoseok again for assistance, but the elder just stood to the side and waited for his boyfriend to leave. It took a moment of stammering and flinching, but finally, Minjun bounded from his seat to reside next to Hoseok.

"No!" He proclaimed, "I'm gay, look!"

Minjun boldly grabbed ahold of Hoseok's wrist and brought it down to cover his crotch. He whined slightly at the force but stood glaring at the blushing woman with his boyfriend's hand covering his dick.

The woman, awkwardly and with a petite grimace, shimmied out of the booth and scurried past the boys. Minjun stepped away from Hoseok's hand and bowed deeply, eyes squeezed shut.

"I'm so sorry," he whimpered.

Hoseok pressed his hand against Minjun's cheek and left a kiss on his head, "let's get going." With his hand pressed to Minjun's lower back, Hoseok walked calmly out of the cafe and into the afternoon air.

" With his hand pressed to Minjun's lower back, Hoseok walked calmly out of the cafe and into the afternoon air

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"I'll have the beef and red wine lasagne."

"Two of those, please."

"Chicken and mushroom ravioli for me, please."

"Can I get the Italian sausage pizza?"

"Chicken pesto pasta with extra cheese, thanks!"

"Spaghetti bolognese, please."

"Another one of those, please?"

Minjun grinned at Jungkook as he replicated his order, sitting opposite each other in the extravagant, luminous diner. The waitress scampered away to organise their meals while the eight boys sat around in an enjoyable conversation.

"How was your guys' afternoon out?" Namjoon challenged, sipping on his beer inaudibly. Minjun nodded, the straw in his mouth giving reason not to answer aloud.

"It was great," Hoseok said, "I introduced Minjun to Metallica and groped him in public."

It took a lot for the boys to uphold their postures after the outburst.

Seokjin's mouth dangled wide, "why would you do that?"

"Ask Minjun," chortled the Medic, "he put my hand there."

Seokjin turned to lecture the boy but found that Minjun had buried his face in Yoongi's lap, only responding to the many questions with shameful grunts.

Seokjin turned to lecture the boy but found that Minjun had buried his face in Yoongi's lap, only responding to the many questions with shameful grunts

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happy christmas eve eve eve <3

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