Chapter 2 - Confuse

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The next day I woke up feeling restless and a little bit grumpy, I couldn't get enough sleep last night because I keep hearing weird sounds from the bedroom beside me. I remembered that I ever caught Portia watching a video that has similar sounds coming from it, when I realized what it was, I blushed and then immediately plug my ears with music.

But I'm sure the sounds weren't coming from Portia's room. It was one from the guest room.

"Good morning." I heard Rosalind greeted me after I came out from the door. I noticed she also came out from the guest room beside me. So, it's her and Emilia, the culprit of my curse in the night. To think that they are doing it in someone else's house is very rude to begin with.

"Good morning." I replied coldly, when I was about to walk, she continued to speak.

"Last night, I'm very sorry." Rosalind apologized. Did she mean about the conversation at the balcony or their inappropriate act in the bedroom beside me? "About Emilia, she just a little bit .. straight forward. She's actually nice if you get to know her better."

There are two things I don't like about her sentences. One she really didn't acknowledge about my presence in the bedroom beside her and two, like if I can't judge a person because of my age, by telling me that a sarcastic girl like Emilia could be nice. My first impression towards people was seldom change.

"I don't care about it. I'm just a kid anyway. My opinion doesn't matter.". Rosalind somehow taken aback by my words.

"So, you really don't our presence here?"

I sighed, staring at her intently. Her blonde hair was messy. She was wearing a blue-striped pajamas bottom and a red tank top.I could see a red spot on her shoulder. She covered it quickly when she noticed I've been staring at it.

"Yes." I said it honestly which make her a little bit down with her expression. "But I like the feeling you all give to this house, to my sister and even my parents. I think it's better that way. Like I said, my opinion doesn't matter right?"

"So, you still want us to be here?". She's waiting for my answer in anticipation. Wanting to ask again for my opinion.

"Yes, but please next time...lower your volume I could hear you from the other side. Our house didn't build with sound proof.". Her cheeks turned into red when she understood what I mean.

I turned my back then I could hear she apologized again to me for the second time. What a waste, a nice girl like her should end up with Emilia, she could have someone else better easily.

We took the breakfast together that morning, feeling great that I took back my usual spot from Rosalind. While hers are now sitting across from me with Emilia beside her. My parents were already off for work, so today just us in the house.

It was so awkward for me, sure Portia was here too but most of the time she was talking to her girlfriend and friends, completely ignoring my existence. I couldn't join their conversation, as their topics were all about college life.

Rosalind didn't try to involve me in the conversation either, she was busy playing with her toast while replying to her girlfriend with hum and yes occasionally when she asked her.

I got annoyed by her sudden change of treatment towards me, was it because the talk we had earlier ?

Today, they decided to go to our farm. At first, I refused to join because I wanted to enjoy my quiet time in the library. But when Bianca pulled my arms, I know I couldn't refuse but to follow them around.

We drove a golf cart to the barn, where it has four seats in it. But since there are five of us, people at the back have to scoot a little bit tight in the place. So, it was Portia and Bianca in front while Emilia, Rosalind and me in the back.

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now