Chapter 14 - Paradise

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“Rosalind..ahhh.”.I moaned , enjoying the feeling of Rosalind’s mouth behind me. “We should..mmm ..get going.”. We supposed to catch our flight to Florida by now but when i prepared some books for me to take and read later. Rosalind sneaked out behind me, kissing my neck saying how beautiful i am in this Boho dress.

One thing led to another as usual , i ended up on the piano with my knees on the seat and my upper body on the lid while her mouth attacking me from behind. “We’ll be lateee.”.I whined but god i’ll go berserk if Rosalind didn’t finish her work.

We suddenly flinched when my palms accidentally pressed onto the keyboards. Both of us chuckled realizing how silly we actually are. My wife continued to suck and lick me again , i felt my self really close by that actions. “Come for me baby..mmm come.”

“Rosalind !”. I shuddered and finally cum. We’ve been doing it often recently. Not that i’m complaining though ,because i also found my self easily aroused nowadays. Even just by looking at Rosalind drinking from her bottle after jogging. It made me thirst too , but for something else.

Rosalind wiped the remaining parts of my cum with the tissue , before pulling my underwear up. She pulled me closer to her body , with my back still facing her. “Mmm..i love you so much.”.She said kissing my neck and jaw.

“We should go now silly !”.I said in annoyed slapping her light on the arm.

“What ? Oh yeah , Florida..”.She giggled. “Sorry , i got carried away.”

“You’re such a nympho.”

“Only for you.”. She kissed my neck once more then turned to look at her watch. “Oh shit ! 30 minutes again before our flight take off.”

I growled. “I told you ! We should hurry !”.In rushed we gathered our things then drove to the airport immediately. “We’re not going to make it.”.I said pessimistically still inside the car. “We have to check in first and then we have to check on our luggage . Our vacation is ruin ! And it’s your fault !”.

“Calm down baby. It’s a domestic flight , it’s not going to be that secure. Beside ,if you just not taking too much stuffs with you , we can just do online check in.”

“You dare to blame me now ?”.She shrugged giving me a smirk. “In case you forgot. You’re the one who keeps showing and shoving your big,-.”.Blushing , i stopped when i realized what was i about to say.

“My big what ?”.That smirk even went wider than before. Oh i really hate that , i hate her blonde hair , i hate her lips and brows. I hate her face. I really want to punch her right now. “Come on~~~ My big what ??”. She kept nagging me thus make me fed up.

“Arggghh ..your big dick okay ! Stop it you’re annoying !”. She turned to chuckle now , i hate that also.

“You are so hot. If i’m not driving right now , i will just pull you to my laps.”.Not going to happen , i hate the smell of her body too now. Although , i admit , that idea make me a little bit excited down there , we can’t just do it now obviously. It must be my stupid adolescent hormone trying to take control again.

“Anyway , have you check on the stove ?”.I asked feeling worry about the apartment.

“It’s off.”

“Good. What about TV ?”

“It’s off too.”

“What about,-“,

“Ophelia..”.Rosalind stopped me. “Don’t worry , all the stuffs in our apartment are smart devices. We can just click every things from the phone or just check it to the camera.”.She handed me her phone then i checked the app instantly. Well yes , there my kitchen. My kitchen... i smiled thinking about it but then something caught in my mind.

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now