Chapter 6 - Preparation

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I gasped sucking for the air to survive, while water still fill my lungs and throat. I can only take a tiny bit of my breath as I almost fell into unconsciousness. But suddenly, I can feel when my body being dragged roughly to the soft grass on shore.

"Ophelia! Oh god, wake up please!"

She pushed on my chest with firm, but not too hard to cause a damage. When I felt her lips touch mine, giving me the breath of life, I gagged then soon water flowing out from my mouth as I wheeze and cough letting out the remains of it.

"Oh! thanks god!". She hugged me tightly and protectively, her embrace was cold as her body also soaked from head to toe but somehow I found myself safe with her. I looked at my saviour, her face still full with panic but there's a hint of relief when she noticed I opened my eyes weakly.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened sweetheart? I'm so scared!" She immediately bombarded me with her questions, I still can hear the worry on her tone.

My head then weakly moved closer to her chest with my pale fingers tugged on her shirt to get more of her comfort and safety "I'm okay...I slipped. I can't swim". I responded in limp, every word followed by a breath.

"Should we go back to the house now?"

I shook my head, if I get back to the house now and Portia see me like this. She would be worry because this is not the first time I escaped from drowning. "Let's just go to the cabin."

At first Rosalind appeared to be reluctant to my order, but after a while she nodded then lift my body up. I never knew that she could be this strong and able to pick me without trouble to the cabin.

Soon, I let go of my arms from her shoulder when she softly dropped me onto the wooden floor of the cabin, immediately longing for the warm of her skin against mine. How sentimental, it must be because of the shock I still have and the fact that my body still soaked all over.

"What are you doing?" I gripped her wrist , when she tried to unbutton my shirt.

"You have to take off your clothes, it's wet. I don't want you to get fever."

"I'll do it myself" I asserted rather nervously, getting a nod and soft smile before she stood and walk away to give me some privacy.

No spare clothes in the cabin, now I only have my underwear and bra on my body. I took the cover from the couch and wrapped my body with it. To think that Rosalind could see me like this make me feel uncomfortable and sending heat to my cheeks.

I heard footsteps shuffled behind me, I turned to see Rosalind already take off her clothes too. She was only wearing black sport bra and a matching short, contrasting so much with her pale skin. She has freckles and oval shaped birthmarks on her stomach too, yet nothing ugly in my view.

I noticed down from her navel, something I did not possessed. I turned my attention from it immediately. Mommy and Portia have that too, I remember when I was little mom told me not to be in the same bathroom with them and when Portia was fifteen I couldn't shower together with her anymore.

At first, I didn't understand why but as I grew up it did make me feel awkward.

Rosalind took a seat beside me, her skin let out a squeak when her only garment rubbing on the floor.

"How's you're feeling now?" She suddenly asked

"I'm okay."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there to prevent it. I failed to protect you."

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now