Chapter 16 - Family

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It's been awhile since i started to ignore Rosalind once more. Such an irony , after all we've been through especially the news about the baby ,our relationship back to ground zero. It's not her fault though, it's just me , i still need to adjust to the new reality of having another life beside mine inside me. Whether i'm ready for it or not , or whether i want to keep it or not. All possibilities led me back to indecisiveness. An old habit of mine that i tried so hard to ward off yet keep coming back as more and more things arrived at my life.

The bed seemed cold tonight without Rosalind sleep on it beside me. It's because of me though , i don't want us to sleep in the same room for now as more and more i saw her self , more and more the confuse arises, haunting me. I rubbed my stomach softly , the doctor told me that i shouldn't feel any stresses cause if will affect the pregnancy especially my self. Yet it is so hard to not feeling any in this kind of situation.

"Is she already sleeping now ?".I got up from my bed wanting to check on her in the other room. Though she have said to me that whatever decision i make about the baby she would support it , but i'm sure part of her wanting to keep the baby too. She was so ecstatic when she heard that but after looking at how i reacted to it . She knew the celebration should be postponed.

When i opened the door of her room , i startled when i saw her standing there back facing me while talking on the phone. Who is she calling to this late ?

"Yes..".I heard her let out a giggle a little bit. Which make me feel uncomfortable knowing someone else make her that way. "Can you come here then ? She needs you the most right now. Only you two can cheer her up."

Who is she talking about ? Is it about me ? But to whom ?. She hanged up the phone then soon i got inside the room surprising her. "Ophelia ? You haven't sleep ?"

I didn't answer it. "Who are you talking to ?".I glance at the phone. She seemed hesitated to answer.
"Uhh's umm,-"

Then i got a wild guess. "Is that my parents ?".She went into silent , so it's true. "You told my parents that i'm pregnant without consulting me first ?". Disappointment clearly showed from my voice. Her deliberate action was too much for me to handle.

"I'm sorry Ophelia.".She held me by the arms. I turned my head to the side not wanting to look at her. " I just couldn't bare to see you look so depressed , confuse and anxious yet i couldn't do anything about it because you keep pushing me away again. I love you so much and seeing you like this hurt me."

"But it isn't your right to tell them without my permission !". I finally have the courage to see her directly on the eyes.

"I know it's wrong of me to do that. I just don't know what to do anymore. They are the only one who can help us now". She said in desperate. I got a warm feeling inside my chest about it though , she does really care for me. She always there , no matter how troublesome i can be for her sometime . She never leave nor feeling fed up. Whatever Emilia have said the other day , i didn't see the potential in it from my wife.

"I hate you sometime.". I said tiredly.

"I hate my self too sometime.". We both chuckled then hug each other.

"I miss you so much.". We shared a passionate kiss with me tip toeing a little bit to reach for hed lips. I really need her kiss , i just realized it. "So when are they coming ?". I asked parting from the kiss then play with her hair.

"Umm tomorrow.."

"That soon ?"

"The sooner the better and turn out they are not very busy after all. You just need to call them and then they will come.". She said proudly as if she have gained control to her in laws.

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now