Chapter 19 - Attentions

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"That's the face !".Rosalind pointed to the monitor beside me cheerfully. We are having ultrasound to check on my pregnancy , precisely our baby. It's been seven months now , time flea so fast , two more months and our baby will come to the outside world. I smiled looking at her , yes our baby is a girl , even before the doctor told me about the gender , i already kind of knew that we will have a daughter. "Our baby is perfect.".Rosalind pecked me on the forehead , i nodded feeling so grateful about it.

The doctor pulled out his gloves , then told me to get up , the check up has been done. As i fix my clothes and cardigan , he started to give some advises for the next two months of my pregnancy. "Okay , Mrs.Ophelia Carson.". Me and my wife turned to sit in front of him. " Make sure to drink lot of water , to minimise the swelling on your hands and feet. It's normal if you have frequent urinating , as the baby pushed your bladder more by this time. Take a frequent walk , and sleep preferably on your left side. Don't lift heavy things , remember that. If you want to do exercise such as yoga or pilates just do it , but please know your limit. If you have something you want to ask , or concern about . Just contact me.".He smiled while nodding.

"Ehh doctor when is the due date ?".Rosalind asked , i am curious about it too.

"Umm..It's going to be in the middle of ..December. Could be sooner , could be latter , just remember my advises because it can affect the delivery too."

"Thank you doctor."

"I hope our baby look like you.".Rosalind said as we both walked on the hospital hallway. I turned at her in amuse by her sudden notion

"Why ?"

"Because you're beautiful , our baby will be as beautiful as you."

I chuckled at her remark."You are beautiful too Rosalind. Especially your lips.".I bit mine unconsciously which make her smirked.

"Umm want to kiss it then ?".She started to launch her face towards mine but i immediately push her away.

"Pleaseee , we are in the hospital. ". I hissed gaining a playful giggle from her. I suddenly stopped to massage my thigh , well actually the sore part were on my feet but it keep getting harder for me to bend down nowadays. "Your feet been swelling so much , is it really okay ?". She asked in concern then bend down to rub on it.

"Yeah , the doctor said it's normal right ?"

"You have very big feet now.". I pushed her shoulder in annoyed. "I'm just kidding."

"Done messing around with your pregnant wife now ?". I threw a glare at her , but she just let out a goofy smile. It seems like my cold act didn't affect her anymore.

"Anyway , lets go back to our new house now. I have a surprise for you."

"What is that ?". I asked in curious , she just shrugged her shoulder while opening the car door for me.

"You'll see when you arrive.". I really want to pinch her as soon as she said that. Whatever , although i was so curious but i have to hold my self until we arrive.

As soon as i turned the door knob of our new house , the light suddenly turn on by it self. "SURPRISE !!".It is indeed really a surprise to see my parents , my in laws , Portia and Bianca already in our house. They even threw some confetti and i also noticed a big colorful banner on the wall that written 'it's a girl'

"So here it is , a surprise baby shower.".Rosalind said pulling me to the center of the celebration.

I hugged my parents first then goes to my in law. It's been so long i haven't seen Patricia , but i didn't see Arthur here , maybe he didn't came. "Sorry Ophelia , Arthur couldn't make it , he got some business to do in Wales but he congratulated you for the pregnancy and send you some gifts too."

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now