Rosalind - Too early to love

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So this filler part will be focus on Rosalind's side , about her dilemma and  struggles to jump to the conclusion that she indeed in love and want to marry our beloved cold hearted baby Ophelia.

I want you to also understand how her feeling truly . Is it just obsession ? Is it just lust ? Is it really love ?

Third person's POV

The smell of coffee and pastries filled the whole room with the soft Christmas jazz hollering from the coffee shop speaker. There's no one around beside the two girls who sit across from each other in the designated smoking area for the customer.

Both of them were busy with their phones, this isn't how couple treat each other right? Rosalind thought as her mind wondered and imagined if the person in front of her is a different person. What kind of relationship they will have ? If it's ...her.

Rosalind put her phone to look at Emilia, they have been together for years now yet the sparks between them little by little has been died out. Rosalind didn't see Emilia as the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with anymore.

Their relationship become so dull, especially after she lived in the UK, they became in a long-distance relationship. Every time when they met or have argument, Emilia will always remind her about the forbidden feeling she felt towards Ophelia and each time, it made her longing for Ophelia even more and more.

The real reason Rosalind called to meet up with Emilia here was to end their relationship, she had been thinking about this a lot and possibly this decision will be the best for both of them.

"Emilia... We need to break up."

Emilia soon taking her eyes away from her phone, looking at Rosalind in surprise and disbelief. She even thought that maybe she heard it wrong.

"What ?!"

"I want to break up, I don't want to continue this any longer."

Emilia looked around in no particular, her mouth was open before letting out a dry chuckle. "You kidding right?" Even though she knew, Rosalind wasn't the type of person who could be joking, especially with a serious expression like that. "Why all of sudden? What's my fault?!"

"You did nothing wrong Emilia. It just me, I can't continue it again with you. Every time we met, we always argued, we have nothing in common. We lied to ourselves to make this work while the truth is we little by little start to hate each other."

Emilia started to raise her tone "I never hate you! You're the one who hate me!" Maybe yes, maybe Rosalind hates her now for making her staying in a relationship that should be end a long time ago. "Now tell me truth!" Emilia chewed the inside of her cheek as she continued. "It's because of her right? You have loved her for a long time now? It's very convenience knowing that she'll be adult soon, you wanna pursue her 'legally' ?!"

Rosalind groaned trying her best not to flip the table in front of her. "See? This is why our relationship will never work. You always blame other people to our own failings!"

"Just tell me you wanna fuck that little bitch!"

"SHUT UP! " Rosalind couldn't held her anger anymore. For each words Emilia said has offended her so much. "I never have that kind of thought for her! And don't ever call her like that!"

Emilia's body shook on her seat, she's trying to control her cry while making a fake smile as her fingers fiddling together. "So, you DO love her. You love her so much, you wanna break up with me." That's more of statement than a question because deep down Emilia knew, that feeling her girlfriend had for the other girl never stopped from the moment it started.

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now