Chapter 20 - Paranoia

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I stretched my arms out widely while yawning, no matter if I slept early or not, I still feel exhausted by the next day. Brighton, look what you have done to my body. I startled a little when Rosalind slowly wrapped her arm around my belly. I chuckled a little, seeing her still closing her eyes deep in her sleep. This kind of sweet gesture what kept me hold on this whole time, without my wife beside me I don't know what will happen. Rosalind is my strength, without her I will be powerless.

I sighed, getting rid of my sweet thoughts about her when I felt that innocent wrap is not that so innocent anymore when she started to squeeze and grope some parts of my body. That's how I know she already awake this whole time.

" Come on Rosalind, I'm pregnant!". I get rid her hands away from me, inviting a small groan from her.

" So whatttt ? Doesn't mean I can't get touchy with my wife.". She begins to put her hands back but I immediately push it away again.

" I know , but not nowww.."

" Whyyyy ??"

" OPHELIA! ROSALIND! Come on wake up, breakfast ready! ". We heard Portia's voice shouting from outside our bedroom.

" That's why! ". Rosalind groaned while burying her face on the pillow in frustrated. I chuckled seeing her reaction. It's been like this for a while, since Portia and Bianca decided to stay at our new house. Rosalind been feeling so cranky, well particularly towards my sister, since she always showing up in the time that according to Rosalind, our quality time as spouse together. Sometime I feel annoyed too with how Portia still treating me, but my sister being my sister. I cannot do anything about it.

"Seriously! When are they going to leave ?!"

I shrugged my shoulder then headed out towards the bathroom ignoring the childish groan from my wife. As I sit on the closet, I heard the bedroom door opened before I hear Portia's voice coming asking for me.

"She's in the bathroom, she'll be down in a minute.". I heard Rosalind answered lazily, well with this incessant urge to pee, I doubt it will be a minute.

" Why you look so cranky? Didn't have a release in a while?". I heard Portia laughing while Rosalind probably throwing a glare at her. I shook my head as I heard the rest of their conversation, it's all about sex, or always end up in it especially if she and my sister were in the same room like now.

" Shut up! If you're not my sister in law, I already kick you from here."

"Ooohhhh..i'm so scared. Why don't you do it solo huh ? Like in college timeeee."

" I have a wife now , why do I have to do it solo ?!"

Seriously their conversation...

I couldn't heard what Portia said next , as I assumed she turned into whisper. I flushed the toilet , announcing that I will be out from the bathroom soon. Just like I guess , as I got out , they turned at me a little bit surprised. " What ? Hope I'm not disturbing your 'private' conversation.". I walked my wardrobe , choosing the clothes I will wear today. Lets forget about jeans or other kind of tight pants , I cannot wear those anymore with this belly.

" Wh-What ? No no, we didn't talk about anything honey."

"Oh really.". I said lazily as I picked up the white maternity dress, I bought last week. This will do for today, hope I or someone else don't spill anything on it. "Look like it's something serious. That's why I asked.". I said coldly, while putting the dress in front of my body, looking through the mirror.

"There's nothing, really!". There's a hint of nervousness coming from Rosalind's voice, it didn't have the chance to flee from my attention.

"Ok then, Go. I need to change my clothes."

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now