Chapter 21 - Brighter

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I was about to update it after 20k read, but the chapter finished earlier than i thought. Sorry, for the really late update.

Ophelia rushed immediately to the hospital when her water broke. Rosalind, Portia and Bianca took her by the car, as worries, fears and excitements collided. "Oh my god the baby is coming ! the baby is coming !". As expected, Portia was the only one who couldn't hold back her expressions as she opened the driver door but then Bianca held her from it.

"I think I'm the one who should drive!". The least Bianca expected was having a car crash knowing how much of a wreck her girlfriend is when she got nervous.

"That's a good idea!". Portia nodded then open the back door waiting for Ophelia and Rosalind to come.

"Rosalind...". Ophelia groaned in pain clutching to her stomach as she walked with her wife who carefully holding her. Rosalind was actually so scared and nervous, but she have to maintain her composure for the sake's of Ophelia and her coming baby. "It's so hurt!"

"It's okay baby, we'll going to hospital soon. Just hold on..". The two finally got inside the car with Ophelia still holding onto her stomach while also clutching tightly to her wife's shoulder.

"Alright , everyone ready?". Bianca checked towards the back before turning on the engine.

"Please drive carefully!". Portia warned while taking glances towards her sister in concern. She took her phone decided to call their parents to tell them the news as Bianca started to drove.

Emilia who was being left out by the crowd decided to follow them to the hospital too. It's unknown what's her actual purpose to be there, she just felt so curious as to why and what makes Rosalind so fell in love with this girl. What makes Rosalind left her..

"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT ! I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!". Portia shouted at the waiting room as the other family members also gathering there watching her with bored expression. It's been about 15 minutes since Ophelia got into the delivery room and Portia couldn't shut her mouth or just calmly sitting in the waiting room ever since.

"Portia! Geez please calm down and just sit here!". Bianca who also have been telling that a couple of times started to feel frustrated to see her girlfriend acted that way.

"CALM DOWN?!". Portia shouted in front of Bianca's face, her spit caught on it making the latter cringed in disgust. "How could I be calm down seeing my sister in a life threatening situation?!"

"She will be all right! The doctors are helping her right now! Let just pray for her and her baby well being!"

"She's right.". Jodie calmly said while flipping to the newspaper. "There's nothing can be done by freaking out like that Portia". She said while sipping her tea.. also calmly.

Nicole squinted her eyes beside her. "We almost got into a rear-end collision on our way here.". Jodie spit back her tea. "It's not your place to say that.". It's very palpable which side Ophelia and Portia took from each of their parents here.

"Well, I'm going to be a grandmother soon. Being nervous a little bit is not on my control."

"Twice". Nicole said in stern. "We almost rear-end another car twice.". It's more than a nervous,Nicole felt sure enough that her wife is also freaking out.

"Put your self on my shoes! If you're the one who drive, you'll do the same Nicole!"

"No I will not"

"Are they seriously arguing in the middle of their daughter's labour?". Bianca asked her self in whisper. "The Bennets are sure so weird.". She just realized that while still watching the couple arguing and their eldest daughter jumping here and there while muttering uncontrollably like a crazy person. "I THINK!.". Everyone put their eyes on her when Bianca suddenly raise her tone. "Freaking out about Ophelia and her baby is normal, but we also have to get excited because there will be a new addition to your family". Bianca smiled. "Lets hope the best for both of them". She got up then excused her self to go outside for a while.

Ophelia ( A story about a love process ) ( COMPLETE ) ( EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now